This is a Journal entry by John Doe


Post 1

John Doe

When does the soul enter the body?

It must surely be at conception since it is the force that breathes life into the chemical/mechanical body.

This is the same force that leaves us at the other end when we die.

Once gone we cannot repair the body and get it going.

Then there's the spirit which is higher than the soul. This must surely enter later when we become self aware.

I like the idea of the spirit which could be the only thing that can travel faster than light having no physical form at all whereas light is made of photons that act as real particles.

So it could be that the spirit enters when we gain self awareness and records our lives until it leaves when the soul switches life off. In this case the spirit has a specific memory of our lives and it carries this with it.

Its all a matter of conjecture but then we have a brain and we are allowed to speculate.


Post 2


I know the problem John, just after I received your last message, the spirit left my blasted computer,as it did not have a soul to appeal to I was stuck, the light parts had also gone off at full speed and I could not see them either. Just turned 1.15 am I found two usb sockets that were in the act of disappearing as well, but when I showed them the light, and the error of their ways, I got back on line at 1,30am. Going to bed.

Cheers H.smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin


Post 3

John Doe

Looks like your machine has a mind of its own lol


Post 4

Candice Taylor

once again completely baffled....

I thought that our friends comment was rather slick though (lol)!smiley - laugh


Post 5

John Doe


Yes LMS's comment was rather apt.

Which goes to show that his machine did not give up the spirit cause it got guidance from above lol.

I should have called it Brain/mind/spirit and leave the soul for another day though.

I like to baffle you since it gets those neurons working so hard, that they could light a 100 watt bulb.

Take care and keep smiling,smiley - biggrin


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