This is a Journal entry by John Doe


Post 1

John Doe

Why does time not flow linearly as we get older?

If it flows faster as we get older is it because we get slower in our movements?

It seems that we bend the fabric of space /time just as a large body causes shrinking of space.


Post 2

Candice Taylor

interesting....but an even more weird as a conversation motivation pieice.

do you sleep at night- only coz i really do wonder? lol!

ive replied to ur comment about my artical

smiley - smiley


Post 3

John Doe

Thanks for responding Candice, but don't know how to read your comments lol.
I was referring to the explanation of gravity.

A large body warping the space around it so why should aging not warp the time vector too?

Why do you wonder if I sleep at night lol?

I looked for your comment but dont know which article since I have passed comments on quite a few of your intersting pieces.

smiley - smiley

it was a COMPLIMENT!!!

Post 4

Candice Taylor

the way that you worded it had me baffled. I thought that it was really good because of the way that it got me thinking.

was certainly a very interesting theory but I would like to know what caused you to write something like that?

The reason that i asked you whether you sleep at night is because...well lets face it of all the things to talk about, you chose gravity!!

Just being nosey really, but then a magician never reveals his tricks I suppose.

smiley - cheerupsmiley - smileysmiley - laugh

it was a COMPLIMENT!!!

Post 5

John Doe

You are very kind , and I appreciate your comments.

I have been reading a little about the quantum because I am interested in the mind/brain relationship and the theory that the observer changes that which he observes.

Some claim that reality is subjective and bound with our perception of the world.

So if I as a conscious observer feel it, then according to that theory, time really flows faster as we grow older. I do not necessarily accept it, I simply try to understand.

I hope that I answered you in what caused me to write something like that. I took care though not to publish it, in case I was misunderstood.

Take no notice, its of little consequence, I was just thinking aloud.

smiley - smiley

it was a COMPLIMENT!!!

Post 6

Candice Taylor

their is nothing wrong with thinking aloud, if we didnt we would all be boring old.....!

but as outspoken as I am I do not see the point in not asking someone when I find it difficult to understand.

keep happy....keep writing.... and, keep thinking LOUDLY!

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smooch

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