This is a Journal entry by Mike McCulloch

Waves and currents

Post 1

Mike McCulloch

I'm still trying to get several thousand lines of regimented fortran to do it's job. It is supposed to model ocean surface waves including the effects of ocean currents. We are doing this because currents can bunch waves together, causing extreme waves which can, and do, sink ships, even big ones, and we want to forecast them, but I've been pearing through a labyrinth of fortran for weeks. I'd go mad, but I don't know how to. I remember once, before my university finals, being stressed up to the hilt and casually asking a fellow student how it was that you could achieve the goal of having a nervous breakdown. He thought seriously for a moment, then waved his arms in the air and shreaked 'bleah bleah bleah' at high pitch. These days, I don't have access to this morale-boosting chap, but whenever I'm stressed I watch a Muppet Show video, and this has much the same effect.

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Waves and currents

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