This is a Journal entry by Mike McCulloch

Waking Up

Post 1

Mike McCulloch

I'm now car sharing, which is sociable and eco-friendly. However, I used to wake up late, and somehow I've chosen two colleagues, who are as pleasant as they come, but who depart at 8:15am! This is painful, but is beginning to feel good, because I'm at work before 9 for the first time in years. Previously I'd begun to stay so late in the evening that I was seeing more of the cleaning staff than my fiancee-wife (I'll explain this compound noun later) and I think my boss isn't quite sure whether I'm there at 9 because I've finally turned over a new leaf, or because I arrived horribly late, and had to work on through the night.

I'm dissapointed about the Planetary Society's Cosmos-1 Solar Sail project. It was launched from an old Russian ICBM in the Barents Sea but the spaceship seems to have been lost. This project was like a breath of fresh air: bold and elegant (see

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