This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Driech road trip
DruglessBrain Started conversation Mar 1, 2015
We went to St Andrews yesterday. Friday had been nice so we were suckered into it. The day was 51 Shades of Gray. We took a wee detour to look at Laurencekirk, a half-horse town notwithstanding that it has a train station. The local shops were pitiably run-down and the cafe - which looked good - couldn't manage to take an order from us so we left after 15 minutes, and the place wasn't busy. But this was to our benefit because approaching St A's, on a whim, we turned into a farm shop and resturant, and had a very good lunch indeed with some splendid home-brewed ginger beer and a delish bread and butter pud shared for afters. In St A's we did the charity shops and went to a ver' good second hand bookshop where I got a 1st ed Cockburn's Memorials for £12. We drove home. Susan's knee was playing up. I got up early this morning and have made a week's worth of food for freezing. Being at home on my own, I have toast and cheese for tea, and have found myself latterly craving vegetables. I am not going to Kemnay today. I will be working at home. It is a bonny day outside. Miah is out.
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Driech road trip
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