This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
I'm thinking of going to see these two next week
DruglessBrain Started conversation Feb 15, 2015
Well, time flies, time crawls, like an insect, up and down the walls. The half-session is zipping by, but the planning process seems stuck-like fly in amber - we have a site visit the week after next, and the year is flashing past crawling slowly getting nowhere. Och well.
Kemnay is less cold. Slightly. Aberdeen is warm and has a working shower. I read books and listen to music, and act as corpse disposer for ane catt - yes, Miah has got her mousie mojo back.
At the 'varsity the workload ratchets up. Still, the mornings and evenings are getting brighter.
S and I saw a hit and miss Princess Ida on Friday. I have a DVD of the operetta, introduced by - of all people - Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Topsy Turvy is in my 'for viewing' playlist.
A wee internet storm blew up last week in re an issue that I had a couple of years ago co-written a short note on. I went back to the note and read it, and thought to myself 'demmy! it isn't too bad.' Souvenirs of Scotland+Bain should take one to it.
Last week I founs on Youtube a complete Pygmalion with Robert Powell and Twiggy in't, and very splendid it was indeed. Indeed? Not bl... (yes it was.)
I'm thinking of going to see these two next week
DruglessBrain Posted Feb 15, 2015
Another note for self:
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I'm thinking of going to see these two next week
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