This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
It's snowing outside
DruglessBrain Started conversation Jan 18, 2015
Our first snow of the winter.
S and I had a nice long walk this afternoon. 5 miles in a couple hours. A saunter.
Hmmm... I may not be seeing much of her this week. It is raining where she is but here it is snowing steadily.
Classes start tomorrow.
I have been watching Poirot, Twin Peaks and - I am about to start the big box set - The X Files. I am reading Poirot and also Scots Law. Miah is next to me having a wash. I don't think she'll be wanting out. Other than the walk I have been working most of the day. I will need to get an early start tomorrow.
I never saw Twin Peaks first time round. It is cheesy.
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It's snowing outside
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