This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
At Kemnay
DruglessBrain Started conversation Jan 4, 2015
The pavements were glass-like and ver' slippy.
S and I had a walk around the village then went to the Aldi at Inverurie.
I had a bit of Uni work I needed to do today but the login didn't work.
S has Radio tomorrow and we may well try to see Birdman in the evening.
We may also try to fit in a visit to Peet.
There was an early-ish Disney character named Peg Leg Pete. In fact, Pete was used in a number of guises and I think that he was based on Eric Campbell from the Chaplin flicks - think the big bad ruffian from Easy Street.
A bright day but deuced cold.
Johnny Walker is interviewing Ray and Dave Davies on R2 at 5. Probably worth a listen.
knverghv f42g3gee45nkhy
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At Kemnay
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