This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
DruglessBrain Started conversation Apr 16, 2013
I was walking along the Taylor D corridor, at the end of which there is a fire door with a window in it. I saw myself reflected, and, behind me, a woman's shape. But I could only hear my own footsteps. I checked again. The figure was still behind me and possibly closer. What should I do? If I stopped and turned, there would be no-one behind me, but when I turned back there would be a white-faced wraith with long black hair and black eyes and fingernails crooked and a foot long standing inches from me, and my body would be found twisted and broken like a jumble of rags with burnt-out eyes and a blackened mouth. Or keep walking until my sanity cracked or exhaustion made me collapse, in which case I would wake up and the cycle would begin again again again again. What should I do? What should I do?
It was a Year 4 wearing pumps.
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PS. Miah to vet this AM. Miah has had her shots. Miah now has a sore eye. No blood drawn in the boxing-up process.
Geggs Posted Apr 16, 2013
Oh, if only that would fit in the Quote of the Day space on the Front Page, then I would gladly put it up there. One of those moments when you wonder if you have inadvertently walked into a horror film, only to find that, no, reality is present and reasonably correct.
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Posted Apr 20, 2013
I remember queueing in the corridor outside a classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive and let us in. The class had been waiting a while, and was getting a bit rowdy. A young teacher came out from another classroom and gave us a telling off. As she was walking away, one of the lads followed behind her, pretending to thwack her over the head. There was a glass door in front of her, in which she saw his reflection, spun around and snarled at him. It was awesome. And terrifying; but mostly awesome.
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