This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
DruglessBrain Started conversation Apr 14, 2013
Downstairs had a row between 2 and the back of 4 this morning. Some time after 3 downstairs male was driven to assemble, dis-assemble then re-assemble an Ikea wardrobe, without the plans, in an empty and uncarpeted room directly beneath our bed, possessed of an Albert Hall-like acoustic. At some after 4 this morning downstairs female joined the woodwork party and offered the comment "well done, you've made a right mess of that." The word 'orgasm' also got shouted. I turned round and went back to sleep but S was well annoyed by it all.
I can sympathise with the whole male Ikea thing. I can recognise the urgent panic-fueled impulse that leads to it.
In my dreams, the back-story emerged. It was not an Ikea wardrobe, but it was the floorboards that were being lifted so as to conceal a body. This did not worry me too much in itself - I knew that the crime would come to light and the culprits punished - Edgar Allan Poe tells me so in The Tell-Tale Heart. My worry was in re the ghost that would now have to haunt the downstairs flat. Would it, I pondered, be bound by the four walls, floor and ceiling of the flat or could it intrude into our bedroom? I mean, it is only a matter of a few feet, and what are plaster ceilings and wooden beams and floorboards to the dis-incarnate?
A day at Uni.
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AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute Posted Apr 14, 2013
… as the blood seeps down and onto my ceiling, the smell confirms my worst fears. My own sweat changes and the combination magnifies the whole excruciating experience.
PJs OH Posted Apr 14, 2013
What AE Hill says.
Be very afraid.
On the other hand I find IKEA generally safe if you avoid the horse burgers.
For many years (well at least 1),.offspring's ambition was to be tall enough to be left in the "childrens' ball room".
By the time he was tall enough we had outgrown IKEA. The scars remain.
spring has just about arrived in Surrey.
best wishes to the frozen North
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