This is a Journal entry by Alfredo
All out war in Georgia
Alfredo Started conversation Aug 10, 2008
By accident I look at live pictures at BBC World and see, that deep into the territory of Georgia Russian airplanes are bombarding civilian targets.
Peoples in the street, burning a live !
A European country, suddenly fully bullied by the old grumpy Russian
After the fall of the iron curtain, it was suddenly clear, that Western Europe had no real interest for Russia as a country and population.
Russia felt again, that the West was looking down at it and so it started to behave as a dictator that uses weapons easier than real negotiations. A country that still doesn't like the idea of democracy.
Georgia became one and also got more independence because of the oil pipeline (which has been bombarded of course).
They'll have to get used to neighboring countries that go their own democratic, independent way and we all know that Georgia (5 mil.peoples) has not a real aggressive policy against Russia.
All these Russian passports have not any value at the Russian border.
This behavior is very, very inhumane.
Might be a good item for a forum.
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All out war in Georgia
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