This is a Journal entry by Alfredo
The social triangle. What's that ?
Alfredo Started conversation Dec 22, 2007
I just made a posting and it was a lot of work, so I copy it here in my journal as well. It's about a pop star who suddenly had become a devoted member of a religion (in the seventies).
"It is from all times, always, difficult to accept a "black spot" at a person we admire, so to speak. I'm talking now about the theory.
Social psychology says this, about such a problem with a "triangle".
Most of the times we act like this.
1. My relation to Islam = negative, "-"
2. My relation to Cat Stevens = positive, "+"
3. Cat Stevens'relation to Islam = positive, "+"
This combination of two times a "+" and just one time "-" is hard to digest. We start to feel a little nervous, so to speak.
So we humans try to create a triangle of just one "+" by saying;
"Well,Cat Stevens is not really a Muslim. He's a European man who's just interested for a while in Islam. He is interested in world peace and not so much in religion.
So in this case the "+" between Cat Stevens and Islam becomes "-" and a triangle with twice "-" and just one "+" is a situation that's easy to cope with for all of us.
The triangle becomes like this;
Me - Islam = negative
Me - Cat Stevens = positive
Cat Stevens - Islam = negative
Another option is, that one starts to take distance from him; "Well, he's from the sixties. I never really liked him. I'm not surprised"
Again a triangle of twice "-" and one "+"
Me - Islam = negative
Me - Cat Stevens = negative
Cat Stevens - Islam = positive
The last option that can be digested easier than a situation of
"-" and "+" and "+" is to start saying;
"Well, the culture of Islam is not always that primitive. Kabul was during the Middle Ages in Europe a very modern city.
Islam is mainly positive".
This attitude creates a triangle with "+" and "+" and "+"
One can shift within a triangle the "+" and "-" ; that will not create difficulties in our state of mind,according to theory.
It's the number of "+" and "-" that makes us feel ambivalent and seduces us to re-arrange it into a comfortable triangle of two "-"
and one "+".
So, only one "-" and two "+" in any triangle will always irritate us.
In every situation there are many "triangles".
This is just a posting of mine, spontaneously. No more than that".
The social triangle. What's that ?
coelacanth Posted Dec 24, 2007
For you, or anyone else who wants to look into this more, the triangle you describe is known as Heider's balance theory.
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The social triangle. What's that ?
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