This is a Journal entry by Moose....The P*ss Artist Fomerly known as <mouse> now Known as <reindeer> untill we get a <moose> smiley

Day 8

Post 1

Moose....The P*ss Artist Fomerly known as <mouse> now Known as <reindeer> untill we get a <moose> smiley

After long and careful reflection, and a day off work with too many canssmiley - ale I proclaim myself to be the (p*ss) artist formerly known assmiley - mouse now known as smiley - reindeer untill a comes along. As long as no former users ofsmiley - reindeer or real smiley - reindeer object. Don't worry editors I will keep trying untill such times as it becomes live

smiley - cheerssmiley - reindeer formerly smiley - mouse

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