This is a Journal entry by maninblue

Friday on my mind

Post 1


I've just had an amazing thought!!!!

Um.....No that won't work.

Forget it. Ignore me. Just get on with what you were doing.

I'll get back to you after I've had a chance to think this through....

Friday on my mind

Post 2


It will be Friday again in about 47 minutes time....are you going to have another amazing thought that cannot be shared with us, this week? smiley - love

Friday on my mind

Post 3


Sorry Mags...

According to my watch it's Saturday.....smiley - online2long

smiley - cheers

Friday on my mind

Post 4

MaryMagdalainaPrakatan's Sunday today smiley - smiley

Friday on my mind

Post 5


This one could run and run....

(Anyway, it's Monday.)

smiley - nahnah

smiley - run

Friday on my mind

Post 6


I agree, it is Monday today, all day and tomorrow is Tuesday smiley - biggrin

Friday on my mind

Post 7

IVA Richards

Cobblers, the lot of you; it's Tuesday.

Friday on my mind

Post 8


It's friday again smiley - smiley C'mon bluey, stun us smiley - whistle

Friday on my mind

Post 9


Still waiting smiley - whistle

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