This is a Journal entry by A Super Furry Animal

The Voyage Home

Post 1

A Super Furry Animal

When I left you last, I was about to go to an AFL game…that’s the one with “no rules” according to outsiders, and “heaps of shit we’re not allowed to do any more” according to the players. Anyway, the people dressed as butchers no longer dress as butchers, and I managed to pick up the rules along the way as well…they’re not so difficult. I had my pie at half-time, and survived that, too. The game itself was quite exciting: the Blues went ahead, then the Doggies (who we supported) caught up and overhauled them by 20 points (it’s a high-scoring game) before the Blues rallied and managed to stay ahead until the end…’twas a close-run thing though, and well worth the admission. Note to people who watch feetball in the UK: the tickets cost AU$19.70, or about £8.50.

After that, I spent an evening in a hotel near Melbourne Airport, before catching a 7am flight up to Cairns. A 3 hour flight later I was in Cairns and finding a bus to my resort, Palm Cove. There in time for lunch, and the weather was warm and sunny. “This is great!” Thought I.

I booked to go on the skyrail the next day, which is a 5 mile cable car through the rainforest, and really smiley - cool. Luncheoned at Kuranda, then got the scenic rail home.

For much of the rest of my stay in Palm Cove the weather, whilst warm, was cloudy, so no sunbathing…just sitting poolside and relaxing. On my final night I went to my favourite restaurant, NuNu, and was there befriended by folk at the next table so we had a good night all together.

I flew back to Melbourne on Friday and caught a train up to Castlemaine for my last weekend. Over the weekend I went out for a wine-tasting event and also had a big, final party on the Sunday night, which was also enlivened by the arrival from ACT of my brother’s sister-in-law her and fiancé…so a big family dinner gathering was held.

On Monday, my brother drove me down to Melbourne Airport for the trip home. Should be easy, I’d left loads of time for my connection at Sydney…


The 1115 that I’d booked on Virgin Blue was cancelled. The next available flight to Sydney was at 1415, landing 1535. But this was a domestic flight, and I then needed to get on the international Qantas flight to Heathrow at 1700! I went to the Qantas desk at Melbourne, and they were able to alert Sydney of my quandary…

Got off the plane at Sydney (they’d helpfully placed me in row 2 so I’d be out of the plane quickly), got my suitcase off the carousel, then hotfooted it over to the Qantas domestic terminal to check in – they’d told me at Melbourne I’d be able to do this – and made the check-in deadline with a minute to spare! Then had to make my way to the international terminal, and arrived at the gate just as they were about to close it! So, a bit skin-of-the-teeth-ness!

The flight back was full on both legs, so no room to spread out and get any proper sleep. I arrived at Heathrow at 0700 and then had to battle my way home through rush-hour crowds on the Tube, and got home by about 0915…all set to start work for the day!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The Voyage Home

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

...and this was...a holiday?smiley - erm

Welcome homesmiley - hug

The Voyage Home

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Sounds as if you had a fantastic time. smiley - magic

The Voyage Home

Post 4

A Super Furry Animal

Yup, had a great time, thanks! Now back to reality with a bump.

Although, that said, London in the summertime is pretty smiley - cool too!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The Voyage Home

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Is it not too hot then? We had some sticky 31°C yesterday, and nearly as many today.

The Voyage Home

Post 6

A Super Furry Animal

At the moment it's struggling to 20° or so...the weather's supposed to improve in early July, we may get some heat then! At the moment it's just comfortably warm.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The Voyage Home

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

True, 20°C sounds good.

The Voyage Home

Post 8

Sho - employed again!

pity about the Butcher Blokes...

sounds like a great trip - even though you didn't get a tan. And smiley - yikes you went straight to work??

The Voyage Home

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Well Sho, I can't blame him if he prefered his work place to his psychedelic flat smiley - rofl

The Voyage Home

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

oh come ON!
that is a work of art

oh, think he'd be interested in a German meet....

The Voyage Home

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

You should shoo him to your journal then. smiley - winkeye

The Voyage Home

Post 12

Sho - employed again!

*flaps hands at RF*

shoo shoo shooo...

The Voyage Home

Post 13

Sho - employed again!

The Voyage Home

Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

I didn't dare posting that link smiley - winkeye

The Voyage Home

Post 15

Sho - employed again!

why? smiley - bigeyes

The Voyage Home

Post 16

Sho - employed again!

since we're here though RF
more details about the pie please
and why no more butcher bloke outfits?
and do the "no rules" guys stil wear those ridiculous short shorts? (now we're getting to the point)

The Voyage Home

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

I've posted it to Toy Box, and a similar one in my journal. Somebody seems to think it's funny yikesing completely harmless posts (like this one) in my Yikes journal. Don't want to be accused of spamming.

The Voyage Home

Post 18

Sho - employed again!

for goodness sakes.
smiley - tongueout to phantom yiksers.

The Voyage Home

Post 19

aka Bel - A87832164

I never believed there really was something like a phantom Yikeser, but I had to change my mind.
One post, lil only said something that we had queer times in Europe or something similar - and it was yikesed. Ok, it came back, but it makes you wonder what's going on.

Key: Complain about this post