This is a Journal entry by LadyChatterly

Interesting Fact

Post 21


So: Let's make sure i have got this right.

A "Dilemma" is some sort of mathematical construct designed to explain the death of a British Royal in France?

It's nothing at all to do with Tibetan Monks?

Or Michael Jacksons pets?

Or suicidal Vikings?

Life is complicated enough without stray lemmas hanging around ready to leap out & bite you. There are strange persons growling in the street, a tornado seems to be on the horizon & i have been nailed into my house. But i have plenty of wine corks; i am strong.


Interesting Fact

Post 22


smiley - oksmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Interesting Fact

Post 23


What about llamas then?

smiley - lurk

Interesting Fact

Post 24



I suppose if you had a white llama with black spots it would be a "Dally llama".

Then there's smiley - thepost "The Daily Llama"

And " I Am alL over ewe now", the depressive dyslexic species confused Llama.

Here are some pretty smiley - coolLlamas:

What were we talking about?


Interesting Fact

Post 25


Feeling a bit sheepish now...

smiley - bigeyes

Interesting Fact

Post 26


smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 27


Baaabara - I've found you at last!!! smiley - rofl

Interesting Fact

Post 28


An albino Rasta sheep! And self spinning... That's brill Jab, i don't know how you do it.

I'll have two please, shall i pay by credit card?


Interesting Fact

Post 29


By whose credit card? smiley - biggrin

Interesting Fact

Post 30


We share the same hairstyle smiley - bigeyes

Interesting Fact

Post 31


smiley - bigeyes

Interesting Fact

Post 32


Do you have green wellies too? smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 33


Not personally, but:

smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 34


It wouldn't let me look - 'Forbidden' - it's not classified is it? smiley - smiley

I have green wellies btw smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 35


Really? They must know something about you that I don't know...I still have no problem with them...

You have green wellies yourself, LadyC? Well, what a surprise! I bet you look very fetching in them too...smiley - biggrin

As you live somewhere up Norf, you might be interested in these instead:

Jab smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 36


Now that's what I call a pair of wellie boots!!!

Mine look a little more refined but they do have neoprene inners smiley - smiley

Pity we can't post pics on here - I'd show you a pic of me wearing them - and the hard hat smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 37


smiley - bigeyessmiley - drool

Interesting Fact

Post 38


You wouldn't say that if you saw the whole outfit lol

Interesting Fact

Post 39


You're too modest, LadyC...

The bit I don't understand though, is the hard hat. Do you work on a building site as well, or is it just because you look good in it? smiley - biggrin

Jab smiley - smiley

Interesting Fact

Post 40


Tsk tsk, Jab. Don't you keep up with fashion at all? Green wellies & hard hats are what all the trendy young ladies wear to the discosmiley - disco these days. Nowt else mind you, which is slightly worrying with all this bird flu going roundsmiley - bluesmiley - titsmiley - tit


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