This is a Journal entry by robbwindow


Post 1


Ideo-Motor dyspraxia
disorder of sensory integration
Motor neuron difficulties
Ernest Hemingway, The Brontë sisters and Jack Kerouac
'congenital maladroitness': A poor social cognition,
and a literal understanding of language,
making it hard to understand idioms or sarcasm)
Problems that are common to many dyspraxics whatever their profile
are difficulties frustration and low self-esteem.
A patient with hemineglect typically you'll hold this card
in front of them and ask them to describe what's in the picture
and they say something like, "Well I see a curtain and some dishes."
And you say, "What else is going on?"
"Oh, I see, I'm sorry, yes, there's water overflowing the sink here."
"Is there anyone in the picture?"
"Oh yes, I see, oh, I'm sorry, yes, there's a woman drying a dish there."
"What else is going on in the picture?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, yes, there's an open window and another curtain."
"Anyone else in the picture?"
"No, I just see the one person. Oh yeah, I'm sorry, yes,
this is a cabinet down here," and so on.
So always orienting toward the right side of the picture
and never moving leftward.

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