This is a Journal entry by *!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

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Post 1

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

Wow Ive been single for a WHOLE MONTH on Thursday!! I haven't been single for this long since last year some time!! It feels really strange not to have someone to cuddle up to!!
Anyway on a brighter note, Yay its my birthday in 21 days!!! Yay im so excited!! But there is a down side, Ive got an English exam on me birthday!! :0(
Oh well!! :0)
Yay last week of college!!
And the sun has got his hat on!! Yay!! xxxxxxxxx

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Post 2

Saint DIABLOS.P.O.D. -Patron Saint of Goths

I miss having someone to cuddle to be near me to make me feel abit better about my life because they are part of it. Ive been single for two years before my 14month break it was 17years and 10 months. God thats sad isnt it?

i had my art exam on my 18th last year

smiley - cuddle

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Post 3

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

awww poor you....since ive been 14 ive hardly ever single for more than a month!! i still have feelings 4 me ex!!

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Post 4

Saint DIABLOS.P.O.D. -Patron Saint of Goths

btw that should have been 2 months single not two years since my only relationship

i do have feelings for her still, but in someways i think its better off as it is, that said id probably dive at the chance to get back with her if she offered it me. im not cut out for being alone. i despair too much of late, i think ill never find someone and ill die alone i pray i wont but there are days when it seems so true smiley - sadface

smiley - cuddle

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Post 5

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

you will find someone everyone is destined 4 someone......just wait and see!!
i think the reason i still have feeling for me ex is because he dumped me!!!- ive never been dumped b4!!!

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Post 6

Saint DIABLOS.P.O.D. -Patron Saint of Goths

smiley - cuddle i was dumped at 4 am in the morning after having got in from a club in leeds where she lives, she has the worst timing in the world, i mean worst, i couldnt go home cause there were no trains so i had to kip on the floor in my coat

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