This is a Journal entry by Diane B

sorry went awol

Post 1

Diane B

Hi Guys, smiley - sorry i seem to have been rather distabnt of late. I have been attempting to do some life laundry or maybe a brain transplant is in order. Been going through a rough timesmiley - weird, trying to sort out this head of mine, alas not worked so its off to the for me. I have come off both messageboards (for those of you who go on them) recently in order to sort out my own crap let alone anybody elses!! But you havn't got rid of me here smiley - dohsmiley - wah......i hear you all say God havn't we got rid of her yet?????? smiley - steam,
smiley - love Diane xxx

sorry went awol

Post 2


There's now way we;re getting rid of you, too much emotional attachment!


sorry went awol

Post 3

Diane B

Ian have you spelled it wrong, or have you found a way to get rid of me smiley - wah, although i am infected at the mo with a virus called trojon horse, i have had it on my comp before and got rid of it, but it wonrt go away this time smiley - wah even more smiley - wahsmiley - love Diane xxx smiley - sadface

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