This is a Journal entry by Professor Zane of unreal math’s and irrelevant theories

new teory

Post 1

Professor Zane of unreal math’s and irrelevant theories

Just discovered an amazing new theory when using unreal maths to calculate the specific coefficient of sub-relative factor of positive reality, it is possible to integrate the lesser dominator to find the unimaginative numbers which are the subdivided it to the greater part of duo form this then allows us to (using myths first law) take the real part of the unreal and bring it into the surreal, thus it is concluded that the unreal multiverses is the major part of the sub-real multiverse.

new teory

Post 2

Lost & Found Rhino

If I understand you correctly we should be able to extrapolate that and prove beyond all reasonable doubt the exisitence of milkshake.

new teory

Post 3

Professor Zane of unreal math’s and irrelevant theories

strawberry seems to be an unstable equation but bannan is Undoubtedly a hair style.

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