This is a Journal entry by Moving On

New Coat and a New Year

Post 1

Moving On

I must be a bit slow on the up takesmiley - blush

I've just figured out it's the last Friday before New Year's Day.

I ought to have worked it out, as I have actually done the Sales today and, (I am slightly embarrassed to admit) found an awful lot of Christmas presents for next year already, and all stashed away tidy at thatsmiley - yikes Gawd bless M & S! smiley - smiley

And I went to Debenhams; just to look, honestly. I had no intention of buying anything, I just wanted to be smug and look and think "Yup - I can afford that, but I don't choose to buy it"smiley - nahnah

(I'd actually gone out looking for a decent pair of shoes, but I couldn't find anything I liked or that fitted particually well)

But... I found a John Rochas jacket. Cream, textured wool material, with an amazing shawl collar. Fitted like it was tailored for me and as warm as toast. Gorgeous!

With the exception of the leather hoody jacket that my lads bought me for Mothers Day, I don't think I've ever actually had a brand new coat before. The last one (I think) was my school coat, which is going back a few yearssmiley - blush

So I proffered the cash card to the nice young man behind the counter, and got an eighty quid jacket for half price. Which was great.

But what's even nicer is that had there not been a sale I could have still afforded to buy it for myself smiley - divasmiley - biggrinsmiley - diva

The credit card is completely paid off, and once I've bought the household a new, decent washing machine, that will be the end of my spree. There's cash enough to put aside for a decent car, and also a holiday - which reminds me, I'd better apply for a passport; it might be a useful item to have I think

But best news until last; do you remember all the shinangans with the Council Tax? All the threatening of taking me to court etc etc etc?

And do you remember I was awarded DLA at the start of this month? The start date of which was Jan 3rd 06?

Because I'm on the level of DLA I am, and because Son No 2 despite being 18 is still at college, it transpires that I am entitled to a complete refund of most of the council tax I've paid this year
smiley - somersaultsmiley - discosmiley - somersaultsmiley - disco

Which means... it's the Council that owes *me* money rather than vice versa. The household only has to pay Son No 1's Council Tax because he is over 18 and bringing in an income. Son No 2 and I are exempt.

Sometimes...just sometimes, life can be very sweet indeed. It's not the money, it's the sheer glee of putting a legal spoke in the Council's immoral charges system that pleases me the most - though the cash'll come in handy, of coursesmiley - winkeye

Christmas came early for me this year...and the New Year's looking both stable and hopeful. I had the pleasure of being able to provide an abundence of food and frivolity for my lads and guests without worrying where the next penny was coming from, and despite this - and the splurge out on a designer jacket which will last me years, because it's neither high fashion nor cheap quality, and one of those nice neutral colours that'll match a good dozen outfits at any one time, I'm comfortable in a realtively modest way

It'd be great if everyone had as Happy a New Year as I feel right this moment - and that's what I wish for everyone, both "here" and beyond the screen

Happy New Yearsmiley - biggrin

New Coat and a New Year

Post 2


Oh, Ev,

I am so pleased for you. I know so well the feeling of actually being able to buy something without counting the pennies in your purse first, and feeling like a second class citizen. For me, like you, it was a long time coming but all the sweeter for that.

I hope your Council will pay up as quickly as they expected you to dosmiley - huhsmiley - doh. If not go see them in your swanky new coatsmiley - rofl and give them what for!!

I am so glad you had a good Christmas and I hope that the New Year of 2007 will be equally sweet. smiley - bubblysmiley - cheerssmiley - stiffdrink

Take care, speak soon,

Websailorsmiley - dragon

New Coat and a New Year

Post 3

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Evadne, we haven't talked often but I have been following your progress on the 'dealing with crippling disability' thread since it started. I chanced on this journal through the info link.smiley - biggrin

I only ever posted at the beginning of the above thread as a bit of a personal rant as an ex-Social Services OT who was sick of folks who were granted life-long DLA at max limits for no apparent reason. I had a personal crusade against the ones that I saw carrying their 10 bags of shopping to their brand new Mobility financed 4x4! (How can a severely disabled person on max mobility climb up into that new Land Rover!!!smiley - grr)

I am so pleased that someone who goes about their daily life wihout complaint finally manages to get exactly what they are entitled to (several appeals later!) and can prove that the system works......sometimes!

Enjoy that new coat (sounds gorgeous!) and every moment you are in it, think about the times you have gone without and make that pleasure seem even better!smiley - wow

Have fun with the washing machine (if you can!!smiley - erm) and have a blast on that holiday when you book it!smiley - cheers

Deakie smiley - stiffdrink

New Coat and a New Year

Post 4

Moving On 3860_-1

Thats my coat!

Morning Deakie - you're the Sagitarrian who gets dogs doings on new trainers and doesn't worry about it arn't yousmiley - smiley I like your style lady - a person after my own heart; after all they were new for a time!smiley - biggrin Glad you dropped by -

(though if you'd just leave the shoes by the door...smiley - winkeye) -

pull up a child and take a seat.

smiley - teasmiley - coffee..or something alcoholic perhaps? Help yourself.

Morning Webbie - how's life treating you? It *is pretty cool being able to buy something without doing sums first, isn't it? And you're right - you *do tend to feel a bit second class after a time don't you?

I know what you mean about the lads with their ten bags of shopping and the Mobility Landrovers Deakie. I don't begrudge em the landies because they cost, per week far more than the Mobility Component of DLA and it's only a hired vehicle with lots of restrictions like milage, etc; if they're daft enough to want to keep up with the Jones and go for show then thats their look out. Its the fact that they seemed to be able to lug vast quantities of weight around without effort that bugged me!

I can remember at one point, when I had to relearn walking it took me 4 weeks to gain the stamina to lurch the 200 yds to the swimming pool...and a further 3 weeks "training" in carrying my towel and cossie there as well

And that was before I tackled the slope up to the pool entrance! That took another week of trying - but I did it eventually.smiley - ok

But lifting is still a bit of an issue for me. Which is a drag because I used to be strong as an ox; I used to shift stage scenery, and do weights in the gym and all sorts - now, if it involves anything more than around 5lbs I have to ask my lads to move it for mesmiley - steam Tis a tad frustrating... BUT, on the plus side, it does let me out of putting the garbage out for collection on a Monday night, so it isn't all bad smiley - smiley

New Coat and a New Year

Post 5

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!


'removes shoes and accepts smiley - stiffdrink'

Ah, infamy from doggie doo! Story of my life!smiley - laugh It only happened because I was being nice. There was a group of about 5 old ladies and their dogs standing blocking the pavement (local dog walking club nightly outing!)when I got out of my car that night. Rather than shove through them, I stepped onto the grass verge in the dark where one of the pampered pooches had obviously just left a calling card! Poor new shoes!smiley - biggrin

Your coat is lovely! Enjoy every minute in it! And even if you can't walk as far as you once did, you'll at least look cool while you're doing it!smiley - laugh

Yeah, the shopping used to get me. We used to do the assesments for orange badges (when they were still orange!) and these poor souls used to come in in seeming great pain so they'd be approved. 2 weeks later, I'd nip to the local Asda on my lunch break and see that same poor soul with multiple shopping bags striding out of the shop with not a care in the world!smiley - grr One of the reasons I left the job, eventually!

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