This is a Journal entry by Moving On

I don't this this much, either

Post 21

Moving On

An AdPen is Office/Legal Jargon for an Administrative Penalty.

It's a sort of voluntary bribe you pay the council if you (in my case inadvertantly) mislead them re Benefits.

If you pay the AdPen, then they won't prosecute. Its entirely voluntary (apparently) but I've elected not to because I can't afford to voluntarilly pay them an extra £300.

I'll hear within a month as to whether they WILL prosecute me. So I'll worry about it then, I guess. I'm not going to worry about it because I think they'd be very silly to waste their time and money.

Arn't dogs just wonderful? What with you boiling up tripe and himallowing you to clean up after his playtime he must think he's died and gone to heaven!

Whilst still breathingsmiley - biggrin

smiley - erm

I take it he *is still breathing?
smiley - whistle

I don't this this much, either

Post 22


The council will do anything for money except helpsmiley - erm

smiley - laugh, only just.

But i cant be too hard on him, you see he has been reading the papers and being a rottie, he is bit upset with whats been written about his brothers and sisterssmiley - biggrin

I don't this this much, either

Post 23

Moving On

smiley - laugh Oh boy, ain't that the truth! Come the revolution though....smiley - evilgrin

OH... a rottie. They're a touch on the hench side arn't they? Usually as soft as Dobermans, generally speaking, I thought? They're big enough not to be agressive unnecessarily on the whole.

Sooner a big dog than something like my mam's Jack Russell/Fox Terrier. Now they *do go ballistic unexpectedly. Cat/dog sort of temperaments.

Tell him he shouldn't *always believe what he reads the the papers, honest.

And if he feels sociable, give him a pat from me
smiley - smiley

Whats his/her name?

I don't this this much, either

Post 24


He is a big one, but like a big bear really, soft as anything, but i bet they all said thatsmiley - erm

Next door has a Jack Russell, it yaps and yaps all day and chases his own tail, the thing is crazy.

He is always sociable, but barks at the right time and when required, i think hes expecting a letter soon as he keeps trying to open them, most are bills so im not overly bothered.

His name is Shearer

I don't this this much, either

Post 25

Moving On

Sounds like a sensible animal to me.smiley - smiley Eating bills is miles better than running around and yapping aimlessly like my mam's dog Sophie tends to.

Its lovely when she stops, it is really.

I'm more of a cat person - up until this home, I've always owned (or been owned, which is more like it) by at least one cat. Usually 2...and up to 5 of them. Until they get run over, or pack their red spotted hankerchieves and cat off to pastures new.

She who weilds the can opener is a small god in any cats eyes. Until they've eaten, anywaysmiley - winkeye

And they're handy, portable furry hotwater bottles if you keep up to date with the Front Line.

The day they get opposable thumbs then we as the human race will be stuffed royallysmiley - biggrin

Moff to my bed for now (without cat...but with a leccy blanket) - I've something fancy to buy for the PC tomorrow that kills 99% Viruseseses dead, and I need to be up early so that when I get back from parting with money (always a tradgedysmiley - wah)I can find a parking space to repark the car

Sees ya later!
smiley - kiss

I don't this this much, either

Post 26


We have a cat also, dont see him much, he sort of hovers with intent outside most nights.

Then theres the chinchillas, gerbils and fish, far too many pets smiley - erm

Cant you get an allocated parking space there.

Anyroad, i am off as well, sleep good lasssmiley - hug

smiley - smoochsmiley - smiley

I don't this this much, either

Post 27

Moving On

Nope - no allocated parking spaces, BK, but I've a residents parking permit, so I'm allowed to park in any parking bay I can find free along the side roads

This is fine...until the oiks in your neighbourhood decide its good craic to overturn your parked car at midnight on Saturday night (see "I've just" on my PS)

Or... if you live in a little seaside town (as I do) there's a limited amount of "Designated Parking Areas" at all times of the year, and during the summer months, there seems to be an unlimited amount of extra visitors.

So competition for the parking bays and having the privelidge of paying extra on top of your Residents Parking Permits for the dubious honour of squeezing into a space in one of their car parks is fierce between Residents and Visitors, as you can imagine!

Get me off this soapbox before I fall off thru sheer frustration.smiley - biggrin

I don't this this much, either

Post 28


Swap your car for a tank and you can park anywhere thensmiley - smiley

I don't this this much, either

Post 29

Moving On

smiley - rofl

I like it!

"Dearsmiley - santa

On my wish list this year......."

I got off quite lightly, on the whole - the local garage cobbled the window winding mechanism together and ordered in a replacement wing mirroe, so all systems are Go(ish) on the witchmobile again. Its still MOT worthy, and thats my main concern.

My wallet's a bit lighter, but hey...who NEEDS to eat anyway?
smiley - smiley

I don't this this much, either

Post 30


And of course, nobody saw it happensmiley - erm

There is a spate of window smashing around here at the moment, cars parked on the road as they dont have enough parking spaces or private drives.

On saturday night there must have been about 25 car windows smashed, alarms going off all over the place, but nowadays no one is concerned about alarms going off, its all just a matter of fact.

Whats the point of a car alarm, next doors is always bleeping away for no reason what so eversmiley - grr

I don't this this much, either

Post 31

Moving On

Nope - no one saw it happen, but apparently there are CCTV cameras around, and the local constabulary are (apparently) going to go thru the footage.

In the meantime, I've put the Word out via my lads and their friends. Once they know whose mum's car it is, there shouldn't (in theory) be any more hassle.

Ah well - its done and dusted now, no point in worrying about it, eh?

Car alarms are a nuisence (and actually, not terribly useful - what a car *needs is a remote fist to defend itself, not a pathetic squeal) - as I live in a flat above shops in the local High Street, we have the joys of Shop alarms seranading us during the night. Otherwise, it's not too bad, really. A bit noisy on Saturday nights when the local nightclub kicks out, but on the whole, not a threatening place to live.

I can walk around late even with a stick and not feel hassled, so I'm reasenably content where I am

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