This is a Journal entry by SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

2 weeks to go

Post 1

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

hee hee 2 weeks to go before the REBs becomes Captain REBS with his 35ft cruiser smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 2


smiley - yikessmiley - piratesmiley - run

2 weeks to go

Post 3

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Oi you following me hun smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 4

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

aye aye capitan
are we off on the high seas or just the paddling pool

can i wear my sailor suit or will i just come in my birthday suit
venus your the anchor woman

ship ahoy !!!
me hearties
jinty smiley - hug

2 weeks to go

Post 5


who moi??? ??? Yep!! smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 6

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

oh how delightful i have a crew all ready smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 7


can i be the ships cook?

i do a mean thing with dried beanssmiley - rofl
must remember to get some limes. we cant have any of these old shipboard ailmentssmiley - biggrin
smiley - rose

2 weeks to go

Post 8

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

oooooow we dont want scurvy do we

mind the sea sickness pills

a life on the ocean wave tra laa tra lo !!!

spice the main sail

swab the decks you scubbers he he

sharks on the portside whales on the starboard side

big waves coming towards the pointed end he he

do you want me to do the hornpipe ?
jinty smiley - hugsmiley - ponyha ha this is a sea horse

2 weeks to go

Post 9


smiley - yikes

Hey, do you remember me? smiley - laugh

MISS YOU smiley - wah

smiley - run to bed as I've got a cold smiley - grovel

smiley - hugsmiley - kiss
smiley - musicalnote

2 weeks to go

Post 10

DIZZY.DI Keeper of REBS dodgy tackle

Gosh it seems this 35 footer is gonna be rather crowded smiley - wah is there gonna be any room for me!!! smiley - pirate

Di smiley - rose

2 weeks to go

Post 11


yes di.

you can sit in the little sailing dinghy at the back smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

smiley - rose

2 weeks to go

Post 12

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi di
you could always do a celine and stand up at the pointed end with your arms outstretched smiley - angel
or you could sit in the kazzie but you would get disturbed in there as we old yins with the weak bladders would always be needing in
rebs can hing oor the side
where are you sailing to somewhere exotic i hope
jinty smiley - hug

2 weeks to go

Post 13

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Hi you scurvy crew you no where exciting really just going for a break smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 14

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

but you will take us with you
you'll get very lonely without us
you know you'll miss us you'll be home sick if we're not there to hold your hand smiley - rofl

i can just picture di at the pointed end singing her wee heart out smiley - love
happy sailing jinty smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

2 weeks to go

Post 15

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

well be not much room with you lot on board i may as well stay home smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 16


smiley - rofl

2 weeks to go

Post 17

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

cattleprod smiley - nahnah

2 weeks to go

Post 18


smiley - bigeyes
OI!! watch where you is prodding, i'm delicate you know smiley - angel

2 weeks to go

Post 19

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

fragile bum you mean smiley - whistle

2 weeks to go

Post 20


But of course! smiley - rofl

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