This is a Journal entry by Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Started conversation Jun 14, 2003
I wish I understood this. Yesterday I was elated. I'm talking best mood I think I have ever been in, and today it all just went out the f*cking window. Why can I not find a safe, stable place for my emotions to set for a week. I would take two days even. I think I need this trip. I need to go and get away from technology and my life and all of the unneeded crap that has been going on lately. I took a Vicodin today, that is the first time I have actually needed one for a headache in a little under a year. It's stress it has to be. I just don't understand why everyone near to me needs to push at the buttons they know hurt most. My mother with "have you found a nice boy yet?" My grandmother's "well I'll die soon and then..." My little brother's constant nagging and whining. My bestfriend wanting to stop taking the antidepressants that are probably right now keeping her from slitting her wrists wide open. I don't understand why everyone needs to pull this crap on me all of a sudden. I actually got my report card today, I had five a's and three b's and all my mother could say was well where are the other three a's. I just want to know why? Why can she not just be proud? Why can't she just not meddle? Why can't she stop trying to run my life?
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
Why won't it stop??? I mean just stop.
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
I feel slightly better today... I've just felt so unstable lately... I don't know why and it's not a feeling I like....I don't understand...
Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! Posted Jun 14, 2003
Well look at it this way. Im really chuffed for you that you got those grades. I'd be rocking! And don't listen to your mum! My parents want me to go to Oxbridge and are always banging on about why dont i do more extra curicular and why havent i got an A in this or whatever.
Take some time out to be happy with yourself and try to have time thats just for you, not worrying about other people. They wont stop functioning because you're having you time.
And be happy because stealth loves you and in your fan club for one thing!
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
I don't have me time that's the problem... I never had me time. I am needed in so many places by so many people that if I'm not needed I don't know what to do with myself. And I know people love me. Most of the time I am asking myself what I did to deserve it.
Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! Posted Jun 14, 2003
You dont have to really do anything special to deserve people's attention. Im always thinking that.
Well what about listing a load of things that are really good about you and your life? there's got to be nice waking in the morning and knowing you dont have to get up for ages or something?
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
Okay I'll try this...
Friends well most of them
nail polish
finishing a good book
my bed
being able to write with my feet
my eyes
How Do I love Thee by Elizabeth Barret Browining
Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! Posted Jun 14, 2003
Woooaaahh! you can write with your feet? How did you realise you could do that?
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
Yeah I can write with my feet. it was a stupid dare on a band trip and I got fifteen dollars out of it.
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
I never told you I could write with my feet?? I thought I did...
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 14, 2003
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted Jun 15, 2003
Are we going to sit here and make noises about me being able to write with my feet or are we switching to more intelligent converstation??
Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! Posted Jun 15, 2003
is anyone ambidextrose or however you spell it?
Okay not really intelligent but hey! and also does anyone know why some people are and some arent ambidextrose?
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- 1: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 2: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 14, 2003)
- 3: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 4: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 14, 2003)
- 5: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 6: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 14, 2003)
- 7: Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! (Jun 14, 2003)
- 8: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 9: Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! (Jun 14, 2003)
- 10: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 11: Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! (Jun 14, 2003)
- 12: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 13: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 14, 2003)
- 14: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 15: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 14, 2003)
- 16: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 14, 2003)
- 17: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 15, 2003)
- 18: Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content (Jun 15, 2003)
- 19: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jun 15, 2003)
- 20: Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog! (Jun 15, 2003)
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