This is a Journal entry by Spoongirl
The School Computers vs The Floating Eye Of Death!
Spoongirl Started conversation Apr 3, 2003
Here i am AGAIN! On a school computer!
I have an anecdote to tell.
My brother, who is older than I, used to have a CD, called "The Return Of The Aquabats". I loved it. It was my favourite music of all time. I learned all the songs. Then, my brother left it in a friend's car and it was stolen. I was heartbroken.
Ever since I have been trying to find a replica CD, or something. I found one once, but I couldn't afford it.
This went on for about six years. Me chasing down this CD without any success whatsoever.
Then, the other day, I get home from my friend's house and my mum has something to show me. She told me my brother had been looking through his old tapes and had found A TAPE WITH THE AQUABATS ON IT!
It only had five of the ten songs that I wanted, but oh how I love it! I have listened to it soooo many times, in the past few days, and it's still the same as before and just as wonderful and lovely! I LOVE THAT MUSIC! Oh the simple joys in life.
Five magical songs. Playdough. Idiot Box. Aquabat March. It's Crazy, Man. Pinch and Roll.
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The School Computers vs The Floating Eye Of Death!
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