This is a Journal entry by Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 1

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Hey people,

BLJ noticed that they wanna change the union jack and i was wonderin how many of you think its a good idea.

Post ur thoughts im interested.......

smiley - diva

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 2

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

I think the union jack is one of THE most patriotic flags out there, it means something to be british,& the flag symbolises that! Who is the pr!ck who wants to change it anyways, probably some diplomatic hippy, who wants it to be all rainbow colours & sh!tsmiley - laugh

smiley - jester

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 3


It's sh*t

It's an insult to the GREAT BRITISH public

The original union jack is respected all over the globe why change it now.

All this because we had a heart and let thousands of punjabs in our country to take advantage of are free health care and a soft goverment where will it all end.

smiley - jester

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 4

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Ahhhh, so it's not a hippy who wants to change it!
Its a Pakistanismiley - huh
Don't people think that they have changed our country/culture enough...smiley - huh..for example...I live in bradford...renound for the asian community, not for being a great british city(ok i'm over-exaggerating on the great bitsmiley - laugh)But nether the less, if the far east was over run with white/christian people who suggested we change their flag...HELL..we'd get strung up & executed at dawnsmiley - laugh

smiley - jester

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 5

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

smiley - wah why do people call it the Union Jack...

It's the Union Flag.

If you post it upside down, then it's the 'Jack'

Anyway if schools are not allowed to have a flag, bacause "it may offend minorites" then why worry about it, you know being English is now a crime smiley - laugh

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 6

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

smiley - sorry Jab. Good point tho i have to say, and ur right being english now a days is a crime!

smiley - diva

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 7

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

smiley - blush

I'm English with a bit of this, that and the other too. smiley - laugh

smiley - winkeye

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 8

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

If onleez I cud speek ans spel english an all.

smiley - thief

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 9


Hmmm, I thought it was a "Jack" when it was flown at sea. Flying it upside down(as opposed to the thick white band in the top left corner) is a S.O.S.

I don't care either way, as the flag of St. George is my nations flag.

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 10


Hmmm, I thought it was a "Jack" when it was flown at sea. Flying it upside down(as opposed to the thick white band in the top left corner) is a S.O.S.

I don't care either way, as the cross of St. George is my nations flag.

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 11

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

New York, New York, so good the posted it twice smiley - tongueout

kow, I was only going of what I had been told, not having researched it for myself, just knowing it was "The Union Flag" being good enough...

But now I want to know the real answer! Upside down anywhere is "Jack" or at sea is "Jack" or "upsidedown at sea" is "jack.

Ask the comunity?

smiley - smiley

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 12


Spot the difference.smiley - winkeye

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 13

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX


I think you should post it to the "Ask h2g2 Community" The last time i post anything there, i got hung, drawn & quateredsmiley - laugh "mumbles"Never again!smiley - laugh

smiley - jester

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 14


this is an unusual convo

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 15


Welcome to h2g2.smiley - winkeye

There aint no black in the union jack!

Post 16


Kow ur a loony but i like loonies thats y i come on here it seems to me im the only sane one

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