This is a Journal entry by Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Another mad one!

Post 1

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Well this weekend also went really well!

Friday was a cool night, just chilling with everyone.

Saturday proved to be alot more action packed.
Me and BLJ went into town shopping, we then decided to meet our mates in the pub.
We styed there for a good few hours and then decided to go back into town.

I got a new toy lets just say its a but not a furry one u keep in the garden! smiley - devil.

As england were playin football we went to another pub and watched it i left a bit before with clockwork and when i called BLJ he said there had been a big fight.
Ask him all the details.

Well im now looking forward to the weekend coming as we are all off to dance academy!

woo-hoo smiley - biggrin

Bye everyone! smiley - smiley

smiley - run

Another mad one!

Post 2

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Would that be a rampant rabbitsmiley - bunny by any chancesmiley - laugh???

smiley - jester

Another mad one!

Post 3

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Hey lynsey, indeed it would be a rampant smiley - bunny lol smiley - laugh

how did u guess? he he

hope ur ok!

smiley - hug

smiley - diva

Another mad one!

Post 4

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

How did I guesssmiley - huhsmiley - laugh
I'm not too bad, I'm getting used to the sickness, so it doesnt seem too bad not......although I can feel my cuppasmiley - tea about to make a reappearance soon....smiley - ill......gotta smiley - run to the loo....AAAHHHHHHH!smiley - ill

smiley - jester

Another mad one!

Post 5

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Oh god hun mornin sickness must be so bad, u get it really early on then i take it smiley - huh?

I would hate it i have a fear of being sick.

smiley - diva

Another mad one!

Post 6

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

I don't really know why they call it "morning" sickness, coz I feel sick ALL day reallysmiley - ill

So how's you & BLJ then hunsmiley - huh All good I hopesmiley - huh

smiley - jester

Another mad one!

Post 7


hi all smiley - tea n smiley - chocsmiley - cake for all

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