This is a Journal entry by Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

A weekend thats not going to be forgotten!

Post 1

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Well technically my weekend started last monday as i went to amsterdam.
It was brilliant to much to take in in such a short time though!
The red light district was brilliant,and the laid back attitude of everyone there was also nice.

Anyways i returned to plymouth last friday morning and was greeted by BLJ.
As it was 4 in the morning he was pretty sleepy but still it was lush to see him!
Friday night was brilliant lots of smoking and drinking and lots of rudies with blj smiley - winkeye he he smiley - devil

Another smiley - cool day BLJ took me in town shopping, he spoilt me rotten got some lush new stuff, a new necklace and a c.d and a playboy ariel for my mobby,and lots of other stuff.
Saturday night petty much took the same pattern as friday,but i enjoyed my self!

A wicked way to end the weekend.
Woke up next to my babesmiley - cuddle very happy indeed,we both got organised and went to a pub on the barbican v romantic,had some pub food which was stunning!and a few drinks.
Then we went to the national marine aquarium where i was amazed at all the pretty fish,it was brilliant,even BLJ enjoyed it!
smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - sharksmiley - shark he he.
Then we went for ice cream and on to another pub for some games of pool and some more alcohol!
Our friend was asked to leave as he was smoking the gift i brought everyone back from amsterdam,the landlord was not impressed!smiley - steam
BLJ was also a naughty boy smiley - winkeye ask him what happened when he followed me to the ladies he he smiley - winkeyesmiley - devil=BLJ!
Then back to our mates for a huge pizza and some more smoking and drinking and then home to my place where we did some more rudies and fell asleep in each others arms. Aww how sweet smiley - smiley

I had the best weekend ever!

All thanks 2 my bloke BLJ thanks babes!

smiley - love u smiley - smooch

smiley - run Sexy_Lil_Emz xxxx

A weekend thats not going to be forgotten!

Post 2


Thats smiley - oksmiley - chick its all a part of the service smiley - winkeye.

I smiley - love you smiley - biggrin

smiley - jester

A weekend thats not going to be forgotten!

Post 3



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