This is a Journal entry by Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

the guide

Post 1

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Ok this is probably a really stupid question but what is the guide thingy that everyone talks about, i dont have a clue!
if anyone is good at explaining things and could help please do im confused! Lol

Thank u

Sexy_Lil_Emz xxxxxxx

the guide

Post 2


Hi Emz..
errr ..the guide is what this site actually is! h2g2 stands for hitch hikers guide to the galaxy..(yup like the books) and was created so that people all over the world could compile a guide of entries theyd writen themselves ..effectively a guide to life the universe and everything. thats why you register as a "researcher" and you can see everywhere about reading the guide n adding your own contribyutions. not alll entries writtten actually get into the guide..but they can all be read on site..the ones that do make the guide are called edited entries..
hope that helps.

the guide

Post 3

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

thanks justme! i undrestand now! not the easiest thing in the world for u 2 explain either, sorry bout that!

Thanks again x

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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