This is a Journal entry by Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

my new peircing!

Post 1

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Well yesterday the 5th of march i had my tounge peirced!
It was a present from BLJ my boyf, i am probably doing his head in talking about it but i love it its so cool!

Well no one probably will but if u wana no anythin about it feel free to ask! he he he.

Bye xx smiley - tongueoutsmiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - angelsmiley - devilsmiley - rainbow

my new peircing!

Post 2


That sounds great, you got any other peircings?
smiley - kiss

my new peircing!

Post 3

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

I know it's great - I got one too!!!!!

How long have you wanted it done? I had a (female) friend who'd had hers done for a while. She spent an hour licking my ear and neck to prove how good it felt. I went and had it done the next day!

Are you swollen much?

my new peircing!

Post 4

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Paul van dyke: I have my ears done twice thats it! and now my tounge!

Alkland: I am one of the lucky ones hardly anyswelling and i can eat 3 days later! How was urs when u had it done?
It hurt gettin peirced but other than that its ok! cant wait till i can use it he he!

The tongue!

Post 5

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Well its 2 weeks today(march 19th) that i had my tongue peirced and today i downsized my bar.
It feels loads better in my mouth, and i can use it properly now!
Well best b off....

smiley - tongueout

my new peircing!

Post 6


hiya babe wonna chat how are u im 16/m/bham xxx

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