This is a Journal entry by bable (I am delusional and I can no longer understand myself)

babel research

Post 1

bable (I am delusional and I can no longer understand myself)

Is there archaeological evidence of
the Tower of Babel?

The base of the Tower of Babel.
The familiar story of the building of the Tower and City of Babel is found in Genesis 11:1-9. From the initial setting given for the account, on the plain of Shinar, to the final lines where the city is identified with Babel, it is clear that the events recorded took place in southern Mesopotamia.

The Tower of Babel

Many generations after Noah, when the whole earth still spoke the same language, people traveled to a plain in the Middle East and settled there.

Then they said to one another, "Let's build a city and a tower, and let's make a name for ourselves, so we won't be scattered around the whole earth."

The people made a tower designed for worshiping the sun, moon and stars. Mankind had chosen to worship God's creations instead of the Lord Himself.

This decision was a direct refusal to obey God's command to go out and fill the earth. Also, the tower was designed for worshiping the sun, moon and stars. Mankind had chosen to worship God's creations instead of the Lord Himself. The Lord looked upon the city and tower which these people were building.

And He said, "Behold, the people are organizing as one group and since they all speak the same language, nothing they imagine to do will be held back from them. Let us go down and confuse their language, so that they cannot understand each other's speech." And the Lord mixed up their language, causing them to stop building the city.

Therefore the name of that city became "Babel", which means confusion; because there the Lord multiplied language on the earth, causing people to scatter abroad. - the virtual babel encyclopaedia - the tower of babel gallery

ToC | Reading the Old Testament . . . Chapter 1. Genesis 1-11 | ToC


Tower of Babel Gallery
Mesopotamian ziggurats were staged temple towers that lifted worshippers closer to their gods. The biblical ziggurat, called the Tower of Babel, symbolized humanity in rebellion against God in their attempt to ascend to heaven. The Tower of Babel story has come to symbolize human sin. Examine this collection of Tower of Babel pictures to understand the nature of ziggurats and how artists have used it to portray human sin.

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