This is a Journal entry by Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 21


Hath, thanks for the smiley - cake.

Regarding intuition, I'm unsure whether I don't have much, or am just unwilling to trust what I have. I'm also unsure when to *apply* intuitive feelings.
When I get a negative feeling about someone I meet, it usually turns out to be correct even if I give them the benefit of the doubt, but I'd feel bad just going with my feelings. Similarly, if I feel really positive, I'm doubtful how much that should affect my behaviour. Even though my feelings sem to be right most of the time, I also have a seriously logical streak, and can get tangled up between the two ways of thinking.

Maybe the main problem I have is that I don't think I have much talent at knowing what *other* people think about me, and that lack of feedback makes me overly cautious much of the time.

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 22

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

What do people think of you? Well in my short life I have decided people generally want people to like them and to that end tend to be nice people. I also believe that people usually think well of others until they are let down by that person. Of course we all know there are exceptions to the rule and can usually spot them. The truth of the matter is I have seen posts that say you are nice, sweet and generous, so theres some positive feedback for yousmiley - winkeye; but even from here you seem a decent sort of chappie smiley - cheers.

I guess I am still getting to know you, but if you want a safe place to practice being intuative where noone will take offence at misreading signals - then be my guest post here. I will treat you gently.smiley - kiss Its not compulsory though.

*Takes of serious hat*

*Smiles and passes a huge jug of ale*


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 23


Niceness can have a downside.
If I am (as I usually am) unthreatening, helpful/useful, subtle and relatively cautious, people generally are nice to me, and I get labelled as sweet/nice myself, but most of the time I don't have any way of working out what most people *really* think and feel about me or anything else.
Effectively, niceness can be a veil over reality, and reality is something I'm very curious about, but it isn't really fair to get annoyed by niceness, and that does annoy me sometimes. smiley - smiley

One of the things I find great about caving is moving through situations where the seriousness and emotional intensity varies over time, and in different ways for different people. Times always come when people drop their guard and communicate, and they can see each other clearly.

Thank you for you offer. I will return.

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 24


What do you think about dreams, and how they apply to real life?
One of my friends just had a dream in which (after a lot of randomness) I ended up with a certain guy who is also our friend.
What she doesn't know is that he has pretty much asked me out, but I was wavering.
Weird, huh?

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 25

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

I have had some very weird dreams over the years - perhaps caffine and horror movie induced in some cases, but some were downright disturbing. I do think that dreams are a way for your subconcious to make itself known, and sometimes talking of fears as dreams are a way to get things off your chest. In other words your friend may sence the vibes - or know more than they are letting on to.smiley - sadface

Otherwise it is just strange and the xfiles may want to write a story about it.smiley - winkeye

What I do have to ask is.......

What was your final response to the guy?smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - teasmiley - cake


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 26


I am making no comments at this time. smiley - winkeye

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 27

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

*Ponders if Catwoman could be bribed with hot chocolate - or drugged hot chocolate and decides that Catwoman will tell all in due time*

*Sits down and starts singing about gold*

More hot chocolate?smiley - winkeye


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 28


Mmm, hotsmiley - choc. Lovely.
Should be doing essay ow but think I might go have some lunch.
Time is, after all, an illusion.

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 29

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

...and maybe around now doubly so.


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 30


I've just witten an entire essay, feeling very pleased with myself, so plz ignore anything that sounds insane.
How about a slice of smiley - cheesecake? I must go to sainsbury's and get some.
smiley - wow
So how're you getting on here?

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 31

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Well done catwoman - I am under the weather from an astounding celebration last night. I danced so much I am going to have to wear strappy flat sandles for a week as I tore my feet to peices on the dance floor - and thats assuming I will actually be able to walk - I think I pulled all kinds of mussles!!!!!smiley - wah Still - my eyes dont hurt now so thats better.smiley - cool

I am not sure I can cope with the cheesecake after the meal last night - but I sure could manage a strong dark cup of coffee smiley - erm i have 3 hours of college work to get through - but I am not sure I am going to manage it tonight.

I've got a whole smiley - cheesecake here if you want it. Got blackcurrants on the top.


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 32


Mmm, yummy.
You seem to be doing better with the wild partying student idea than I am.
Got a subject dinner on weds though, with free wine (traditionally paid for by the directors of studies, woo-hoo)

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 33

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

35 , full time job, part time student, and occasionally party like there was no tomorrow. Its times like this I laugh in the face of fate "HA, thought we were only supposed to do these kinda things to embarrass young offspring eh!"smiley - smiley

*plumps up the cushions on both comfy sofas, picks up a glasssmiley - winkeye, sits down not to move again till her feet stop hurting*

Have a great dinner - suggest moderation in drinking if there is any chance of getting down afterwards.smiley - erm If there isnt one at the dinner come here later in the evening and we can have our own party. Will see who we can get along on the day eh!


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 34


Ah, nice dinners.
Not until tomorrow though, so for now will have to make do with heinz tomato soup.

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 35

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Hmmm.... tomato soup with spicy hot cross buns just what you need on a cold day. Sounds a strange mixture but I promise you its wonderful! (better than dunking plain bread in soup)

Think I will just settle for smiley - tea and smiley - cheesecake tonight!


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 36


I like normal bread. Went to sainsbury's today and got hovis crusty white bread, very nice.
Mmm, also got smiley - chocsmiley - cheesecake.

Am I alone in my universe?

Post 37

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

How was lunch? Do I have to start a party or did your lunch do rock?


Am I alone in my universe?

Post 38


'Twas a dinner thing, very nice, had a speech by a guy who went to the college and got a nobel prize, speech wasn't wholly exciting, but the amount of wine we'd had by then helped, and got to hold a nobel prize!!!!!!

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