This is a Journal entry by Laura

My computer is alive....

Post 41


My mother worries about me far too much as well, but I speak to her a lot on msn and the phone. I speak to my dad on the phone, and the older of my brothers on msn, but it's the twins I don't like leaving the most, because I end up ,losing practically all contact with them, which I don't like at all. Also, at their age, they change so quickly.

Well, it was a good weekend. There were 17 of us altogether, quite impressive. The food and drink was great as well. smiley - smiley

My computer is alive....

Post 42

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

what is 10% of 2000?

nice to hear all went well and sorry to hear I am not the only one who experiences motherly love!!

My computer is alive....

Post 43


She was crying when I had my first exam.... that's taking it too far. She was worried I was too stressed - I was absoloutly fine. smiley - erm

200. (just divide by 10)

My computer is alive....

Post 44

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Mothers hey you can't live with them, you can't live without them. Mine seems to be giving me a break smiley - biggrin so far I haven't heard anything from her today.

Dare I ask how the revision is going? I am wondering what I can do to help myself, apart from read the book. I wonder is there any games with Hamlet in like quizzes or something.

Ok speak soon smiley - footprintssmiley - bluebutterfly

My computer is alive....

Post 45


Yup, though min's going into hospital for a check-up tomorrow, I don't like the fact I'm not around. But I've an exam...and can't be in two places in once. smiley - sadface

Quite a lot of reivion to do...exam Wednesday afternoon..

There are bound to be some somewhere..smiley - smiley A bit of googling and you're bound to find something smiley - biggrin

Seeyou smiley - hug

My computer is alive....

Post 46


If you think they're bad now, just wait a couple of years 'til you're doing your Finals...smiley - yikes

The trick is to persuade mum that the one thing guaranteed to get you stressed about exams, is having her get stressed on your account (smiley - ermI think that makes sense). Then, even though mum IS stressing, she (hopefully) won't nag you too much.

Well it worked for me, anyway.

My computer is alive....

Post 47


Mine doesn't nag me - she keeps on phoning, msning, anything to tell me it's time I took a break. She is absoloutly convinced that I'm working too hard smiley - erm. If she had it her way, there wouldn't be any time for revision between breaks...I suppose I could try the no stressing thing anyway - it may just help. smiley - smiley

My computer is alive....

Post 48

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Good idea smiley - smiley I usually opt for sending her emails telling her that I'm ok and she shouldn't worry but she still nags. Your approach seems much better. smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

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