This is a Journal entry by Laura

My computer is dead....

Post 1


smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah
In mid-sentence, and sudenly the keys wouldn't work, non of them. It's a laptop so that's kind of essential....

I tried restarting 3 times and it still doesn't work...smiley - wah I can't try and find out what the problem is as I can't type anything...

and I can't even start trying to get it fixed until Tuesday...

smiley - wahsmiley - wah
smiley - cry

My computer is dead....

Post 2

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Oh my .... so how can you type that message just then? I'm confused. You claim your computers broken down and you can't type anything but you have unless that was in my imagination. Anyway I hope you get it sorted what on earths going to happen if not? I feel for you. At present my computer is working well but I don't want mine to break down too otherwise I'm stuffed!!

My computer is dead....

Post 3


This isn't my computer, it's one of the hall's computers (one of a whole 2 smiley - yikes). Without my computer I am pretty stuffed...smiley - wah

My computer is dead....

Post 4

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Ok now I understand thanks for clearing that mis-understanding up. Our Halls here don't have computers in them only the learning centres on the campus we stay on do. So at least you have a computer. May I ask why you need a computer? I thought you only had exams now or are your revision notes on the computer or something? I'm very sorry that its happened to you and if I could help I'd try. But I'm not a doctor of laptops unfortunately.

My computer is dead....

Post 5


My computer (and internet in general) is my main way of staying in touch with family/friends and everything. I have no TV, so I use the internet to find out what's going well as a substitute form of entertainment. My friends are either revising or have gone home, and the computer rooms are mainly shut on weekends (apart from in the libraries), so that basicaly leaves me with noting to do apart from to read and, smiley - yikes, revise...smiley - blue

I'm over-reacting of course..smiley - winkeye It is broken howver, and I really can't get it sorted for a few days yet...

Some of my revision note are on te internet...but most of them for plant science are on paper so I can actually revise smiley - groan

My computer is dead....

Post 6

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

I'm the same I don't have a television either and I use the net to research and talk to people. I'm so pleased i have found h2g2 it's so nice and interesting. smiley - biggrin

I'm pleased to hear you are able to revise and pass your exams with great grades smiley - smiley imagine having none.

How about watching dvd's? or can't you do that over the uni computers? I'm guessing you can't I don't think ours would let us. smiley - sadface

My computer is dead....

Post 7


I could watch dvds.... I have a tv but no ariel, which I use for my xbox (which I only use for dvds now, as, it seems I have grown out of computer games smiley - yikes)....

If it was one of my other subjects then it would be at least half on the web.... I can't download the past papers (these hall computers have no printers). I guess I could go to the library...smiley - bigeyes

h2g2 is great smiley - magic. But I won't be able to use it for a few days...smiley - wah I'd started to write up plant science as guide articles as well. Wrote about plant molecular genetics this morning... Was going to do GM smiley - tomatos next.. Oh well...smiley - sadface

My computer is dead....

Post 8

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

you are never too old to watch dvd's or play computer games - I like quizzes and have taken quizzes such as what disney and Warner Bros characters are you? and come out as Snow White and Tweety. I guess I'm too young for things like that, if you are too young for computer games.

If I were you I'd go and download the papers and go through them smiley - smiley it will help honest.

As for h2g2, they always say real life aspects come first and you have a real life drama on your hands. I'm sure you can manage a few days without this site. You will be missed though. Furthermore, I'm sure your articles will be published one day smiley - smiley ok enough from me I think I am going to go to bed now sweet dreams

My computer is dead....

Post 9


I make an exception for Halo, otherwise computer games are just getting too repetitive smiley - erm. I think it was archery that did it, and university in general - live it rather that play it smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Can't grow out of dvds though...smiley - biggrin Not taken many personality quizes...I did the red dwarf one and was Lister - about right considering my attitude to mess.smiley - winkeye

I'll get round to it... It would be alright if everyone wasn't so depressed about exams and all... oh well....

Maybe my computer will suddenly decide it loves me after all...smiley - ermsmiley - smiley

Goodnight smiley - zzzsmiley - star

My computer is dead....

Post 10

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!


My computer is dead....

Post 11


trust me, I don't want to...

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

My computer is dead....

Post 12

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

*sends mental vibes to the computer to work*

smiley - erm well that worked in my exam today - someone was sitting in front of me and she'd stopped and looked really panicy so I willed her the answers and she came out and said "they just came to me"... smiley - biggrin

My computer is dead....

Post 13


It's on the 5th floor, I'm on the ground floor - I'm not going up those stairs just to check...smiley - laugh

smiley - laugh Yup, a little bit of wishing peole well generally works..smiley - smiley

My computer is dead....

Post 14



Sometimes with laptops the chip will pop as it sits right underneath the keyboard. Carefully give it a little bit if of a hit (not too hard) at the top of the keyboard. (This is especially true if it is a Dell)

You may have to remove the top case, take out the keyboard, it will be attached to the motherboard by a small cable, unplug this (noting which way it was in origionally) and blow on the end of the cable, then put it al back togather again.

You can do it girl. smiley - smiley

My computer is dead....

Post 15


It's working......yay! smiley - magicsmiley - ok

I is a Dell too - think it might have just got to hot though. Or something..smiley - erm Or perhaps all the business with trying to find the seriel number gave it the bash it needed.. ...oh I don't's working anywaysmiley - biggrin

smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

My computer is dead....

Post 16


Well you know what I do when some piece of hardware starts to look a bit shakey... it's just a shame that one of the few things more expensive than new monitors is new laptops smiley - doh

So being endlessly curious about computers and something of a smiley - geek, I'd have been following Kiltedjedi's suggestion of diving under the hood and having a good old prod, especially as I've never seen the innards of a laptop. Of course if it goes wrong again and the machine's still under warranty you might want to phone the manufacturer before invalidating it like that.

Glad to hear it's back online without any prodding and poking though smiley - smiley

My computer is dead....

Post 17

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

gosh computers they sure are of irritance sometimes

My computer is dead....

Post 18


smiley - laugh but yes, laptops are a bit more expensive to replace. I lack the screwdrivers.. But my parents are coming up on Sunday so they can have a prod around then. smiley - smiley It's under waranty until September, so there's a bit of time to see if there's anything major wrong with it at least. smiley - biggrin

My computer is dead....

Post 19

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hi Unc glad you're back with us
smiley - biggrin
smiley - cheers

My computer is dead....

Post 20

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

yes but she's not typing from her laptop or are you now?

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