This is a Journal entry by Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 1

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

This is more of a personal entry to try and put what's going on into words but feel free to chat if you have anything to add.

OK, I've been practicing magick and other things similar for a number of years now. But today is the first time I've felt anything physical. I attempted a spell on the new moon and completed it most recently on the full moon (which was Sunday night). After waking up this morning, everything feels very strange, like I'm in a dream and I can actually feel a physical change as well as the usual mental feelings I associate with spells. I feel very powerful and actually alot more confident in myself. The other weird thing is, I've been practicing meditation and self hypnosis techniques in order to try lucid dreaming. The feeling this gives is like a "shift" in conciousness as I fall into a trance. Well, this has been happening all morning while I've been awake (which is unusual enough) and it's a very pleasant experience. The weird thing is, as I "shift", I'm seeing flashbacks of a dream I had last night. I think for the first time it might actually be working, and for the first half hour after I woke up I actually thought I was still dreaming. This morning has been so surreal!


Wow, what a weird day.

Post 2


Hiya Hun...smiley - wowsounds like you really
are having a weird day! its been a while since ive tried shifting conciousness with meditation,i never had any real after effects though.i know its probably a silly question,but did you come back properly last time?

Have you tried using Quartz with meditation? its supposed to be really good at clearing away any negative energies and opening your third well as helping with lucid dreaming.I got some yesterday,but i havent tried it yet.

As for your spell, can i ask what it was relating to? (i know you couldnt be too specific) ,the full moon is the most powerful time (apart from a blue/witches moon) so it would make anything you did more potent.

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 3

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

I've never tried quartz but I've been told it helps. The spell was from a new book I just got and it was basically you ask for a sign that magic exists on a new moon, and if you receive the sign, you thank the gods on the full moon. It's a very heavily ritual based book which I've never tried before. Most of my spells were my own conconction but my success was limited. I figured if I went for something that was more of a regulation or ritual spell than a free form type the effects might be different. I think I've proved that.

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 4


yep id say you got your sign get thanking i think!smiley - biggrin

I think you have to have qute a lot of experience before yo start getting that much success from your own stuff, probably best to stick to the more ritual stuff till then.i really must start reading up on all this again and trying things myself..ive got pretty lazy these last few years!

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 5

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

Me too, it's only really in the last 6 months that my interest peaked again.

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 6


Mines been cooming back for a while..but a little pressie i got yesterday from a friend has kind of set me off again! was the first part of a subscription thing called enhancing your mind body and spirit (shes had it for me since before xmas!)its gonna cover quite a few of my interests as well a little on spells and stuff (such as aromatherapy,herbal remedies,tarot,runes,astrology ,dream analysis etc)all the things ive needed something to renew my interest in for a while.I used to be really into crystals too n have not long started another little collection as my last ones got disposed of by my little un! along with a lot of other stuff like most of my cd collection!smiley - yikes,hes a lot better nows hes more grown up though.

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 7


Hi again ...hows things? everything from the other days calmed down now i hope! I really must start looking into that side of things..n finding time to try a spell ot two ...just very simple ones to start with though!...anything you particularly recommend?

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 8

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

Sorry I wasn't round yesterday. Was very ill. And not through drink for a change. smiley - wah

The book I'm using at the mo is called "The Ritual Book Of Magic" but I can't remember the author. I'll find out and let you know. Plus I'm looking for some decent occult stores in Derbyshire. I get most of my suff mail order but I'd like to be able to browse stuff y'know?

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 9


Theres a few specialist shops in croydon, doubt i know the best ones though!..n it only take me an hr or so
to get to central london , so i guess thats not too bad! to go to london again soon in fact..for some poppy hair dye smiley - biggrin I dont know Derbyshire at all (even from hearing about it from people n stuff..never known anyone from there!) i wouldnt have a clue as to what its good for if anything!smiley - erm

? hope youre ok nowsmiley - cuddle,i was ill yesterday too, but that was very much of the drink related variety!smiley - hangover

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 10

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

Drink induced illness is the best. smiley - cheers

I have a stomach ulcer and they've been messing round changing my medication and saying try taking one a day then one every other day for the last 6 months now. It's just about right but yesterday I couldn't stop throwing up and it was all acid so it's burned my throat pretty bad too. smiley - sadface

But I'm OK now and looking forward to a right royal p#ss up tonight. I've got to keep off anything acidic which unfortunately means no Smirnoff Ice but I can still drink beer! YAY! smiley - alesmiley - cheers

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 11


Owwwwwww that sounds pretty nasty....funny how you always think of much older people having that kind of thing! but then saying that one of my best friends was in hospital with gall stones last year smiley - erm am still waiting to go in again myself(went last week but they sent mme home the buggers,should be used to them by no though ive been in there enough last couple of years!)

Should you really be drinking at all
with a stomach ulcer?smiley - biggrin

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 12

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

Medically speaking.... no.

Theoretically speaking.... no.

Ask my doctor.... no.

Ask my folks.... no.

Ask me? smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - cheerssmiley - laugh

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 13


Thats what i thought! smiley - laugh

Still youve got to go some way i spose!

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 14


Definately a weird day today! ..hic

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 15

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!


Wow, what a weird day.

Post 16


just is..smiley - biggrin

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 17


Sorry a little tipsy n annoying peeps at random with my cheeriness

Ive gone from way down inn the dumps to the best mood ive had for a long while in a couple of hours..thats whhats weird (thanks to a really good bollocking from a friend..if youre reading this O ...dopitchi!(sp)?.lmao..)
Just hope it doesnt go back down again..hmmmm

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 18


ok..have i done summit to offend? just seem a wee bit off wi me today ..n i worry something awful when i think ive upset a mate..

Wow, what a weird day.

Post 19

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

No, no panic ye not. Just been given a shed load of work to do. I'm not in the best of moods anyway so I'm sorry if I've seemed tetchy. Plus I've been trying to get into the FoLDers but it's sooooooo confusing. Everyone posts to everyone else at the same time and my brain is only small you know.


Wow, what a weird day.

Post 20


Dont wory bout not exactly just noticeed youd unsubscribed from the entry thread n thught ooh whatd i do now

ive just been dossing about new cd blaring with the balcony open etc...was sposed to go out..but i didnt in the a good bollocking from my pal instead..(a fo my own good one) had a good cry..n am really quite happy now..hence no ccounsellor..hmmm

bad mood? whats up then? tell all t aunty smiley - tickle

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