This is a Journal entry by Wired Kenny (Pirate)


Post 1

Wired Kenny (Pirate)

Well this is a surprise. I actually made it in before 9am... Maybe I'll actually get some work done today...


Post 2

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Hmmmm...that is unlikely (I'm a PhD student Guy's in Nondol...soon to be at Ninewells in Dundee)

I find the earlier you get in, the less you do... smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Wired Kenny (Pirate)

Thats probably true actually. The hunt for a hot roll and sausage can become very involving if u come in too early.

One thing zantic... never get involved in marking lab books. It will drive u to despair.

What's ur phd in?


Post 4

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Do I look stoopid? I think my Supervisor knowns me well enough not to actually ask me to have anything to do with the BSc students (who are currently invading our lab..and preventing me using my own computer smiley - wah)

PhD in genetics...looking at the genes that cause HHT (a rare diserase I can't spell if I don't have a spellcheck smiley - winkeye )

And you?


Post 5

Wired Kenny (Pirate)

Electronics. Developing hardware for image processing. Basically I surf the net. Its very exciting but it keeps me out of trouble.

Why have Bsc students invaded ur lab?

smiley - pirate


Post 6

Zantic - Who is this woman??

We is a Uni department and it's the time of year when 4th year BSc students have to do their hands on project. Urgh. Our student broke her arm before x-mouse and so is having to so a bioinformatics thingy until she's un-cast..

How did they get you to mark lab books?


Post 7

Wired Kenny (Pirate)

I assisted with a lab class so i have to mark the lab books. Its not fun smiley - sadface


Post 8

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Sounds terrific... smiley - groan

Never mind...there is always smiley - alesmiley - winkeye


Post 9

Wired Kenny (Pirate)

I know... I'm quite tempted to go for a post lunch pint actually.


Post 10

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Don't you go puttin gideas into my head... smiley - wah


Post 11

Wired Kenny (Pirate)

I know... it sounds so tempting... but could lead to chaos

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