This is a Journal entry by kirbsea
kirbsea Started conversation Dec 20, 2002
I work in a hospital and morale is at it's lowest, every one tries to do their best but it just never seems to be good enough. No -one seems concerned about the welfare of the staff and it is just so demoralising . The work load has doubled and the staff numbers have halved , what can be done?
zendevil Posted Dec 26, 2002
Hello! I've bumped into you a couple of times, on the comments about Clare's Dad & on the Prozac thread.
I'd really like to talk more to you, but it's very difficult when you haven't put anything in your Personal Space (ie. you're just a number; which seems a bit impersonal!)
If you click on the "edit" button on the right-hand side of your Space at the top, you can create a nickname for yourself & add a little Guide Entry -- don't worry, it doesn't need to be long or personal & you can always change it later!
I'm an Ace (though a pretty new one) & I'm here to try & help if there's anything you need to know about the somewhat confusing world of h2g2 -- feel free to ask!
kirbsea Posted Dec 26, 2002
Hi nice to chat now xmas is over , back to work tomorrow after a couple of days off. Xmas eve was the worst day ever so very , very busy, no-one able to get off on time , to start xmas celebrations, to many sick and not enough beds & staff, why do we do it , I really am beginning to wonder, dedication seems to be a thing of the past now, all any nurse seems to want is promotion for more money. nicknmae is Kirbsea , chow for now.
kirbsea Posted Dec 26, 2002
i am trying to get the hang of this chatting thing but I seem to get into the wrng place all the time and then one flick of a button and I have lost it again , would love to chat some more, I will keep checking, love from Kirbsea.
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 26, 2002
Hi. I worked in hospitals 17 yrs. I sympathize. There are still caring people but its always been the same as any profession it does not matter butcher ,baker, chief,millionare,banker,vendor,artist. People are all the same, a "profession" is only a title that can be abused on any level! SOME HINTS:Click on a name and you go to that persons personal space
"Ask h2g2" is always busy. The "Front Page" is a directory of articles/areas + ASK h2g2 starts there
"subcribe" to any conversation and it will post(appear) on you page! Click "ADD to my friends list" on an individual reaserchers page and all they say will appear on your page too! That can be a good way to get familiar.
There are formal,
silly, and friendly kinds of conversations here, have fun. Ask the ACES! Terri (one of the above posts) is a great, friendy helper.
zendevil Posted Dec 27, 2002
HEY ABBI! You're doing a brilliant job here, Moose & I were only saying last week it's about time YOU went & got yourself a nice gold ACE badge!!
GO ON, go for it!
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 27, 2002
I am too inconsistent! I tell em a bit then send them back to you !
it is good practice for me to try and make sense! Ha It took me forever to learn my way around. Moose was my tudor for a long time!
zendevil Posted Dec 28, 2002
Yes, but maybe I'm inconsistent too! I tend to be great at starting the ball rolling (fits of enthusiasm no problem!); but hopeless at seeing things through (get bored too easily)
Oh dear, poor little newbies sent bouncing around like a !
At least they'll know we're only human!
Just put a long definition of CIDP (my grotty ailment) on De Myelin Nation A889194 (only put that in to test my ability at making clicky orange links tonight!)
Right, Abbi, away yet again, might even get an early night for once.
Sorry, Kirbsea, we're chatting away on your space, we're like that, Abbi & I chase each other round for days at a time! Terri
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