This is a Journal entry by Kenneth

Rant Time..

Post 1


After joining the site yesterday, and reading a bit of what goes on here and how it all works, i decided i would start of with a little rant instead. And as usual there is 'something' on my mind.
I was recently in the UK (North Wales) to visit my girlfriend, and she has 800(+-) channels. Now at home i have 18 channels, and hardly watch any of them. Apart from The Simpsons, and whenever there's anything interesting on, The Discovery Channel.
I imagined that, if my girlfriend wasn't present, i could have hours of fun just switching channels. However, i was wrong!
As i started switching, i came across re-runs of The Simpsons, but i skipped that for now, thinking that there must be a bunch of other great shows i could watch, and continued switching. After a few 100 channels i then found the various Discovery channels, there was some stuff about mummies and egypt, and some other stuff, but i was looking for something different, so i went on.
When i had checked all the channels i then sat back and relaxed, and watched Homer strangle Bart.
So with 800(+-) channels, i ended up watching the same thing as i always do. Now admittedly, that was just that one time, i did, on other occasions, find some stuff which i could bare watching.

Even though i didn't spend much time actually watching TV. It did get me wondering..
How many channels do we really need? Some might say im just to picky about what i like to watch, but put that aside, and think about it. How many channels do you have, and how many channels do you ever watch? (Music channels are excluded)
Personally, i would like a TV where i could choose what to watch, from everything ever made. If i wanted to watch a show about how they make chocolate, i want to be able to just type in a search, and find it! And hopefully, that is the TV of tomorrow.

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Rant Time..

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