This is a Journal entry by serenity

Why is it ?

Post 21

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all

we decided a cooker was the best way to go, so i looked on the shopping sites and i found one at comet(a beko)four rings,oven and combined grill its £139-99 all in,i ordered it yesterday, it will be ready to collect on tuesday, my neibour i help as offered to go with me for it

yep ratface couched up half,lol

ive got my letter at last to say that its been applyed for my bath to be removed and a walkin shower to replace it with anything needed ie rails and a chair

its down to when the housing act on it now

i also waiting again for the toilet to be replaced, it turned out mine is so old its asbestos lined, so a special team will have to remove it,lol at least im getting somewheresmiley - discojimxxxx

Why is it ?

Post 22


The make of cooker is a good one jim,not well known i don't supose ,but my fridge is the ame one,and it's been excellent.
smiley - applauseon the shower,at last, and the new loo!

Why is it ?

Post 23


mornin smiley - smiley

jim, your house is getting to be a right little mansion. you will be charging us to visit soon smiley - laugh

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