This is a Journal entry by serenity


Post 41


It would be ideal for both you and Scott,I have to say....I don't even play golf !!! Just out of interest I'll e-mail you some local house prices....It can't hurt to know can in it ?? I'll look up some 2 up and 2 down properties you can just compare.I would be very interested.Love Pinky xxxxxxxx


Post 42

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

My sister and her Hubby payed £65000 for their three bedroom house that we now live in .... they were thinking of moving and the house is now valued at £275000 smiley - yikes ...
By all means E-Mail me some details it would certainly be interesting to see smiley - ok

Love Chris. XXXX


Post 43


WOW,what a good in investment she made.My brother in London,payed I think £41,000 for his semi,3 bedroomed,in Shepherds Bush it's now worth almost £400,000.Mine ,here in Blackpool is larger than his with a HUGE garden,I paid £8,500 in 1988 ,it's 's now worth about ££95,000 .I want to move every brick to Shepherds Bush hahahahahaahaha and the garden hahahaha Love Pinky xxxxx PS I'll certainly send some details to you,out of curiosity xxx


Post 44

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Prices in London are really Scary smiley - yikes ... It is cheaper where I am than London ... but a three bedroom house can still go between 120 and 300 k depending on the area .... cant imagine how first time buyers even get a foot on the ladder these days ....

Love Chris .XXXX


Post 45


Exactly Chris,my younger sister Suzanne,lives near Harrow ,they are looking to buy their first house !!! The house prices in that area are in the millions...Ludicrous !!! I feel so very sorry for her,the rent she pays on the property they are in now is a mans monthly wage and more up here !!! Just ridicules really !!!! Love Pinky xxxxxxxx


Post 46

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

I dont think I will ever get back on smiley - cry .. not down this way anyway ....
I still have CSA to pay for another 4 years minimum smiley - sadface .... plus what I give my sister and one or two other outgoings ... quite a chunk of my wages is gone each month before I even get started each month ... The new car is pretty thirsty on fuel as well. Over the next 6 weeks I also have MOT's for both Bike and Car smiley - wah ...

Love Chris.XXXXX


Post 47


I understand believe me !!! While i've been home I've watched that programme you like Place in the Sun,I had taped some older ones.It makes you wonder why we are all here paying taxes etc.,freezing to death and most of us can't afford to live !!!! Turkey looked beautiful,and cheap !!! Love Pinky xxxxxxx


Post 48

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

I think they all looked nice smiley - cry ... but all said and done I couldnt move away from my boys ...

My Brother in law and I would like a place in France with a Nice big fishing lake that we could run as a business smiley - ok

Love Chris. XXXXX


Post 49


I actually watched a programe recently,and a couple(man and wife) had bought a property in France with a lake,he stocked it with fish,eventually,,so much red tape to deal with.It turned out fairly successful in the end.I know your not seeing your boys would be devastating for you.Just could be an idea to buy now,then perhaps later the boys would love moving to France.Prices are rising in France now I understand !!!! Always a catch 22 situation Chris Love Pinky xxxxxx


Post 50

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

smiley - sorry .... boss decided to pay us a visit ...

I am afraid that all those ideas are just pipe dreams .. Nice thought though .... nice big farmhouse ... room for all the family smiley - biggrin

Love Chris. XXXX


Post 51


smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

just a few smiley - cuddle to keep everyone going over the weekendsmiley - smiley

smiley - rose


Post 52


THANKYOU xxx Love Pinky xxx


Post 53


*waves to all*

Bonjour! I live in France, have done for about 5yrs or so. Do feel free to visit my hootoo space,(journal space: Bird's Eye is easiest) if not my (pretty small!) RL place.

For those of you with dreams about moving here, in a nutshell i would say:

smiley - hugs, no problem, smiley - kiss likewise.Most of what "they" say about Frenchmen is true!smiley - winkeye

Learn a bit of frogsqueak, cuddle is "calîn", kiss is "bisou"...lots of others the textbooks won't teach you! But they are fiercely defensive, if not downright arrogant about their language.

House prices are not as cheap as you might think IF you need land and more than basic facilities & don't want to be in the middle of nowhere. BUT great bargains in smallish towns, where you won't be isolated & can decide whether you really want to move permanently.

Paperwork is massive, but effective, assuming you have the patience to get through the whole process, you will be embedded in the French system, which is second to none in terms of health & social the moment, who knows what the next election will bring?

Bonne chance!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 54


hi terri.

welcome to the cuddle threadsmiley - smileysmiley - cuddle

thanks for the information.

please feel free to drop in anytime, you will be made very welcome, by all of my friends.

hsmiley - rose


Post 55


Hi there terri,i have a friend who has just (january) gone to live in france.She seems to love it ,so far,,and her hubby as well,which has surprised me,I really didn't think they would settle.At least we now have the offer of a lovely holiday in the summer,and weve never been there!!smiley - smiley


Post 56


hi sal.

i have a cousin who lives in france as well.
he lives there for most of the year,but still works in england.
i dread to think what his travelling expenses are likesmiley - biggrin

smiley - rose


Post 57


Good dos he manage that????IIs ithis own business...i can't imagine anyone living in france,and workng in england,as you said,,the travelling must cost a fortune,to say nothing of the time it would take.Apparently the they are an hour in front of england as well.!!!!!!!!xxx


Post 58


i dont know sal.

i know that he is a financial whizkid.
well he was, he is now a whizadult..smiley - biggrin

he is used to the travelling now.

smiley - rose


Post 59


i agree i'm all for a group hug lol


Post 60

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - hug
smiley - cuddle

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