This is a Journal entry by The only one who has taken over the world 17 armies at a time,TWICE, In one year. Call me Syrpyntys


Post 1

The only one who has taken over the world 17 armies at a time,TWICE, In one year. Call me Syrpyntys

in the book the Hitchhiker Guilde.. i just got to the part where the deadly Nuclear Missles turned into a Whale and a Bowl of Petunias. I never made it to the bowl...... *sob* THE POOR WHALE!!!

'scuse me, i must regain my composer for a 'join e or die' speech i have to bive tomight...


Post 2

The only one who has taken over the world 17 armies at a time,TWICE, In one year. Call me Syrpyntys

er... the book The Hitch-Hikers Guilde to the Galaxy, sorry about the misspells.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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