This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly


Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

My work has blocked this site completely on the computer I use there. Since I am the only one there to access Hootoo I have to believe it's personal. That and a few other things that have happened in the last six months would indicate they are trying to convince me to retire. Or they would rather feces can me and save some money. I live in interesting times.

So it goes.


Post 2


smiley - erm


Post 3

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

What you say may be true - I don't know your situation - but blocking lists are generally supplied by third parties (aren't aren't necessarily logical).


Post 4

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Well, here I am at work and it isn't blocked! My paranoia appears to be unjustified but for the entire day yesterday this was the only site in my 'favs' that couldn't be opened here.

Ed, our IT intranet is for the entire country, we have offices in every major city and it is a very secure system. All gaming sites are blocked, for instance.

I'm still going to look over my shoulder regularly but I'm not quite at the tin foil hat stage. smiley - biggrin


Post 5

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Yup. Such big intranets use third party blocking.


Post 6

clzoomer- a bit woobly

So, do they go to the site they want to block and ask them? Odd.


Post 7

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Nope. Imagine a long list of urls, categorised by content...

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