This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly

Negative Fill

Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I recently had to explain the phrase to someone who experienced the use of it on set. Fill, or soft light being bounced or projected on the subject is the wrinkle-erasing, skin smoothing light that complements a 'key' light (which is the artificial 'sun' source). Unfortunately fill light is not very dramatic looking and is often the result of ambient light that can be any number of colour temperatures.

Negative fill is a black card or board that literally 'sucks up' ambient light, giving the subject a harder look. Until you see what it does, it is hard to imagine (or describe).

I've just come to the realisation that some people's personalities are Negative Fill.smiley - laugh

I shouldn't be surprised, there are people (usually strawberry blondes with pale, smooth complexions and pale blue eyes) who are always out of focus. smiley - rofl

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