This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly

Grandfather clause.

Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

My little baby is having a baby.
When she came into this world I was all of 26 years old and now here she is, all married and in a profession having her first child at the ripe old age of 34.

I have a picture of her on my right arm, her head cradled in the palm of my hand and her toes touching the crook of my elbow. I remember celebrating, even inventing a drink I named after her- one can of mandarin oranges, one can of ice and most of a can of tequila. I visited all the neighbours and had them sample it from a pitcher.

Now she's 5 foot 10 and thin as a rail, although the baby bump is fairly startling! Her water broke about a half hour ago.

I'm so nervous I can't sit still.

Grandfather clause.

Post 2


I initially misinterpreted "I have a picture of her on my right arm" as meaning a tattoo, but I now realise you meant that in the photo she is on your right arm!


Grandfather clause.

Post 3


smiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin

Grandfather clause.

Post 4

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Baby Ruby came into this world healthy and happy at 2:27 PM PST. She weighs 6lbs, 8 oz and is 52 cm tall. Mother, daughter and father are tired but overjoyed.

As am I.

smiley - cheers

Grandfather clause.

Post 5


Well, I've got something to celebrate tonight!smiley - drunk

I'm always looking for something to celebrate.smiley - winkeye

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