This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly

Bin Laden

Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

The three things I am still in wonderment about-

Fox managed to spell his name wrong online and on air.


The same Grip ( ) I was working with when 911 happened (6 AM here, then) was working with me when Bin Laden was killed (about 8 PM here). I guess either we work too much or I should stop working with the guy.....

Bin Laden

Post 2


The U version is the standard U.S. intelligence agency spelling:

At least they didn't misspell it with a 'b' like they've been known to do in the past.smiley - erm

Bin Laden

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Does the CIA spell it Bin Landen as well?

smiley - rofl

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