This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
Batter Bonanza
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation Jul 20, 2010
Today I discovered this:
From my fishing trip I still have several pounds of halibut in the freezer (several dozen, actually) so I thought I would try doing some pan frying.
It's odd (no, not the batter) but I remember the taste of this stuff like a memory of a long lost toy. I must have subconsciously chosen it, because I have no memory of the product itself. I've used Clubhouse products before (sorry to my UK friends if it's not available there, or if it is it's something different) but not this one. It's bringing back memories of my childhood so I suppose my older sisters or my mother used it. Mum passed away when I was young so I'll ask both sisters.
I wonder if it will make them feel the same way. Kind of nostalgic but happy.
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Batter Bonanza
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