This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
Rotator Cuff Problems
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation Apr 16, 2010
I've developed two inflamed rotator cuffs in my shoulders. I've been given exercises by a physiotherapist but they just seem to hurt. I've been told to go all massage therapy but time and money, time and money.
Anyone know of some alternates? (I bought Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulphate pills at the health place but it's only been a day.)
Please! Someone tell me beer works!
Rotator Cuff Problems
anhaga Posted Apr 16, 2010
well, personally, I'd go for some anti-inflammatories (Ibuprofin, for example). I realize it's not organic or holistic or whatever, but it will reduce the inflammation which will allow you to do the exercises with less pain and perhaps speed their effectiveness.
and beer:
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Rotator Cuff Problems
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