This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
On the Road Again
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation Oct 27, 2002
Travelling again. When next I read these words I will be in Smalltown Canada. Namely Prince George, Williams Lake, Vernon, Kamloops, and Kelowna, British Columbia. These names are quite reminiscent of the past here as they are relfective of the name of the province. What could be more British than a city named after Prince George? And what could be more native to Columbia than the native names Kamloops or Kelowna? The other cities with 'Prince' or royal names have kept them, although those who live in Prince Rupert like to call it just 'Rupert'. Like a friend I suppose. Victoria holds the highest title as it should considering it's the capital. New Westminster was supposed to be as you might guess from it's name but we needed to keep Vancouver Island away from the Yanks and so it goes. My favourite is a small village not far from where I grew up on Vancouver Island. Shawnigan Lake is it's name and most visitors believe it to be a charming native (First Nations) name. I happen to know it was named after two gay Irish settlers Shawn and Finnigan. Oh well, talk to you from on the road.
On the Road Again
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Nov 4, 2002
-15 (C) with wind chill gusts much lower than that. I always wonder in places like this, when the settlers had spent a year and it hadn't got any better why did they stay? Must be something in the water. At least the beer is
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On the Road Again
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