This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
Travels with my camera
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation Sep 22, 2002
I'll be leaving Tuesday for an extended trip to document some disabled children for a program that airs next year. I'll probably find a dial-up for my little laptop but if not all of you should be well and happy. Except for the people in the "What's wrong with H2G2 Researchers (/you?)" of course.
I have done similar trips in the past and they always leave me with very mixed emotions. On the one hand I have come to realise that most of us don't have real problems at all, just minor annoyances or frictions. I really don't have anything in my life to complain about when I see the battle of an eleven year old to walk. I know I shouldn't complain about small things when I see a teenager who struggles for breath every hour of every day and night. The stories are at once depressing and amazingly uplifting at the same time. That's why I offer to do them every year and I think why people ask for me to do them.
On the other hand I have to maintain some professional detachment. I can't make friends with every family, even if I do some. I can't go on and on about them to friends because people generally have a low threshold of interest unless personally involved. I know I won't be there when the child is whining and cranky at 3:00 but instead when they are all on their best behaviour. I can't give more than some of my time for free and not much money. I know that what I am doing is shilling for money in a way or playing on people's vulnerability and emotions.
I still think it is a good thing, though and the best part is seeing the children (or young adults) the next year or years later and recognising the improvement. I'll keep doing it and let others judge. Like I said before, all of you should be well and happy. If you are it's a great gift.
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Travels with my camera
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