This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation Sep 11, 2002
I have made gentle fun of moderators in conversations but on the whole they have done a remarkable job considering how massive that job is. A consensus from a set of rules is a diffucult thing to achieve, just ask a lawyer or politician. I think if you upset the fewest people possible that is a good definition of democrasy. This democrasy is more difficult than most in that not only is there no voting age limits but no national boundaries as well! Copyright law, different nation's cyber laws, ethics, and morals are all to be considered. On top of that and included *in* that the rules and regulations of the host organisation and country! The fact that generally everyone is happy is a testament to how successful they really are. Now go to *What's Wrong with H2G2 Researchers* to get your *..fair share of abuse..*. Which might be a lyric but isn't....
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